Created by Greg Mohnkern
over 7 years ago
Question | Answer |
musculoskeletal | pertaining to the muscles and bones |
muscular | pertaining to muscles |
skeletal system | consists of the bones and the cartilage, ligaments and tendons that are associated with bones |
Functions of the Musculoskeletal System | * providing form & shape * protection of soft body parts * movement * blood cell formation *storage of fats and minerals *bones provide support structure for attachment of muscles |
bone marrow | The side of blood cell production. It is a soft tissue that fills the cavities of bones. *red bone marrow - the site of most blood cell production *yellow bone marrow - produces fat, cartilage and bone |
joint | the junction where two bones meet |
ligaments | connective tissue that connects: bone to bone or cartilage to bone |
cartilage | a rubber-like padding that covers and protects the ends of long bones at joints and is a structural component of the rib cage, ear, nose and intervertebral disks |
os | bone |
ossa | bones |
osseous | pertaining to bone |
osteogenesis | the formation (generation) of bone; the process of creating new bone matrix |
diaphysis | the shaft of a long bone; consists primarily of compact bone with bone marrow in the medullary cavity |
epiphysis | the end part of a long bone; consists primarily of spongy bone that is covered by compact bone |
periosteum | a tough fibrous membrane that covers the surface of bones (except at the joints) and serves as an attachment for muscle and tendons |
medullary cavity | an open canal in the center of the diaphysis |
Types of Bone Tissue | * periosteum *compact (cortical) bone *spongy (cancellous) bone *red bone marrow *yellow bone marrow |
Classification of Bones (r/t shape) | long bones - as in the arms, legs short bones - as in the wrist and foot flat bones - as in the skull irregular bones - such as the vertebrae |
Classification of bones (r/t density) | compact (cortical) bone or spongy (cancellous) bone |
Names of Projections and Depression found in bones | foramen - a opening for nerves and vessels fissure - a slit-type opening fossa - depression on the surface head - the smooth ball-shaped end sinus - a hollow cavity within a bone |
axial skeleton | axial means "relating to a straight line" The axial skeleton consists of the bones that go in a straight line from the skull to the sacrum. (i.e. - skull, spinal column, ribs/sternum and sacrum) |
appendicular skeleton | appendicular refers to limbs or things that attach The appendicular skeleton consists of all the appendages (attachments) to the axial skeleton. (i.e. - shoulders, arms, bones of the pelvis and legs) |
cranium | skull |
cranial | pertaining to the skull |
vertebral column | consists of the 26 vertebrae 7 cervcal 12 thoracic 5 lumbar 1 sacrum (5 bones that fuse together) 1 coccyx (four bones that fuse together) |
vertebral | pertaining to the vertebrae |
spinal | pertaining to the spine |
thoracic cage | consists of the thoracic vertebrae, the ribs and the sternum |
thoracic | pertaining to the chest |
thorax | chest |
xiphoid process | the small, lowermost part of the sternum |
costal | pertaining to the ribs |
subcostal | pertaining to below the ribs |
retrosternal | pertaining to behind the sternum |
sternal | pertaining to the sternum |
intercostal | pertaining to between the ribs |
sternocostal | pertaining to the sternum and the ribs |
vetebrocostal | pertaining to the vertebrae and the ribs |
herniated disk | a tear formed in the intervertebral disc, allowing the soft central portion to bulge out, resulting in pressure on the spinal nerves and pain |
shoulder or pectoral girdle | the clavicle and the scapula as one unit |
clavicle | collarbone |
scapula | shoulder blade |
Upper Extremity Bones | humerus - upper arm ulna - forearm, pinky side radius - forearm, thumb side carpals - bones of the wrist metacarpals - bones of the palm phalanges - bones of the fingers |
phalanges (pl.) | each individual bone of the fingers or toes phalanx (sg.) |
The Pelvic Girdle | the bones of the pelvis: ilium pubis ischium |
The Lower Extremity | femur - thigh bone patella - knee cap tibia - large, medial lower leg bone fibula - lateral lower leg bone tarsals - ankle bones (7 bones) metatarsals - between the tarsus & toes phalanges - bones of the toes |
tarsus | ankle |
calcaneus | heel bone (the largest of the tarsals) |
plantar | pertaining to the sole of the foot |
connective tissue | any tissue that supports, binds or separates other body tissue and parts; includes bones, cartilage, ligaments and tendons |
Types of Joints | 1) fibrous joints- immovable (skull bones) 2) synovial joints - freely moveable (hip, elbows, wrist) 3) cartilaginous joints - connected by cartilage; less flexible than synovial (pubis symphis) |
tendons | bands of strong fibrous tissue that connect muscles to bones |
chondral | pertaining to cartilage |
chondorcostal | pertaining to the ribs and their associated cartilage tissue |
bursa | a fluid-filled sac or saclike cavity, especially one countering friction at a joint |
bursitis | inflammation of the bursa |
radiopaque | inhibits the passage of x-rays (i.e. - bone); appears white or light on the radiograph (x-ray) |
radiolucent | allows the passage of x-rays (i.e. - body tissues) |
fracture | a break in the bone |
dislocation | the displacement of a bone from a joint |
Types of Fractures (complete vs incomplete fracture) | complete fracture - the break crosses the entire width of the bone incomplete - the fracture doesn't go thru the entire width of the bone bone |
Types of Fractures (open vs closed fracture) | open/compound fracture - the bone protrudes through the skin closed/simple fracture - the bone may damage the surrounding tissue, but it does not break through the skin |
Types of Fractures (by presentation/style of fracture) | 1. impacted - one section of bone driven into another section 2. comminuted - broken into small fragments 3. spiral - the bone is twisted causing a spiral shape 4. stress - caused be repetitive low-impact |
pathologic fracture | a fracture caused by a disease process |
arthralgia | joint pain |
callus | thickened, hardened area of skin that is subject to repeat friction |
chondromalacia | abnormal softening of cartilage |
crepitus or crepitation | a grating, crackling or popping sound under the skin; can be caused by bones rubbing or air trapped under the skin |
decalcification | loss of calcium in the bones |
ostealgia or osteodynia | bone pain |
osteomalacia | softening of the bone; known as "rickets" in children who suffer from insufficient calcium |
osteopathy | any disease of bone |
osteoporosis | disease process that causes the bone to become porous |
osteopenia | a condition of decreased bone density; if not corrected it can lead to osteoporosis |
osteosclerosis | excessive hardening of the bone which leads to unusual heaviness of the bones |
Curvatures of the spine | 1) lordosis - abnormal inward curvature of the lumbar spine 2) kyphosis (hunchback) - abnormal outward curvature of thoracic spine 3) scoliosis - abnormal lateral curvature of the spine |
myelitis | inflammation of the bone or spinal cord |
spinal stenosis | narrowing of the spinal canal leading to pressure on the spinal cord and nerves (stenosis = narrowing) |
spondylosis | Refers to any degenerative disease of the spine spondyl/o = spine -osis = condition |
osteoarthritis | arthritis resulting in degeneration of the bones and joints |
sprain | damage to the ligaments surrounding of a joint d/t overstretching |
strain | damage to tendons or muscles d/t overstretching of the muscle |
subluxation | any incomplete dislocation; most commonly used by chiropractors in reference to spinal subluxation |
amputation | partial or complete removal of a limb |
arthroscope | instrument used to view inside a joint |
arthroscopy | the process of viewing inside a joint |
arthrocentesis | the puncture of a joint with a needle to obtain samples or remove excess fluid |
chiropractor | healthcare professional concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of malalignment of the spine and musculoskeletal system |
orthopedist | one who specialized in orthopedics |
orthpedics | branch of medicine specializing in diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the musculoskeletal system |
orthotic | pertaining to an orthopedic appliance such as braces and splints |
podiatry | a healthcare professional specializing in diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the feet and lower legs |
prosthetic | artificial body part; a device used to substitute for a body part |
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