ionic eqm


a levels chemistry Flashcards on ionic eqm, created by omnommables on 26/06/2014.
Flashcards by omnommables, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by omnommables over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ionic pdt of water, Kw=[H+][OH-]=_(value)_ 10^(-14)
what is the conc. of H+ and OH- in pure water at 25°C? [H+]=[OH-]=10^(-7)
relationship between pH and pOH @ 25°C pH+pOH=14
when to consider contribution of [H+/OH-]? for very dilute solutions, when [acid/base]<10^-5
formula for Ka, pKa and derived Ka Ka=[A-][H+]/[HA] pKa=-lg10Ka Ka=10^(-pKa)
what is the formula for the approximation method used for weak acids/ bases? [H+]=√(c × Ka) [OH-]=√(c × Kb)
relationship between Ka & Kb @ 25°C? Ka*Kb = Kw = 10^(-14)
what is a buffer solution? a buffer solution is one which is capable of maintaining a fairly constant pH when small ants of acid or base are added to it.
components of acidic & basic buffer sltns: acidic: weak acid & salt of conj base basic: weak base & salt of conj acid
what is the formula for an acidic buffer? pH=pKa + lg([salt]/[acid])
explain how an acidic buffer works: when a small amt of acid, H+, is added: (eqn) the added H+ is removed as ___ [H+] is slightly changed hence pH remains fairly constant. when a small amt of base, [OH-]. is added: (eqn) the added OH- is removed as ___ and H2O [OH-] is slightly changed hence pH remains fairly constant.
method for solving pH problems involving acidic buffer solutions: 1. identify the components of the buffer 2. calculate eqm [ ] of buffer components. (beware of changes in [ ], due to changes in total volume when mixing] 3. sub eqm [ ] into pH expression of a buffer
when does maximum buffer capacity occur? max buffer capacity occurs when the sltn contains equal [ ] of weak acid/ base and its salt. [salt] = [acid] and pH=pKa [salt] = [base] and pOH=pKb {at half equivalence point}
name of indicators and range of pH change - phenolphthalein: 8.0 - 10.0 - methyl orange: 3.0 - 4.5
what is the equivalence point? it is when all of the base has reacted with all of the acid. i.e. mid-point of steep slope.
how to calculate exact pH at equivalence point? pH at equivalence point = pH of salt formed
how to calculate final pH of titration? calculate the volume, then moles, then concentration, of the excess reagent added. OR final pH due to buffer solution
formula for solubility product: Ksp = [M+][X-]
what is solubility product (Ksp) it is an equilibrium constant which is the product of the molar concentrations of the dissolved dissociated ions each raised to its appropriate power, in a saturated solution of the salt at a given temperature
what is solubility? it is a concentration term which refers to the maximum amt of the solute that can be dissolved per dm^3 of solvent to make a saturated solution at a given temperature
define common ion effect: the solubility of a sparingly soluble salt is reduced in the presence of a common ion from an external source.
when will precipitation of a sparingly soluble salt occur? when ionic product > Ksp
method for solving precipitation problems involving sparingly soluble salt: 1. write partial dissociation eqn for sparingly soluble salts 2. write ionic pdt expression 3. define ion [ ] at pt of mixing 4. sub. aq ion [ ] into ion pdt expression and compare with Ksp
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