chapter 5


Flashcards on chapter 5, created by Jaxon Inglis on 02/10/2017.
Jaxon Inglis
Flashcards by Jaxon Inglis, updated more than 1 year ago
Jaxon Inglis
Created by Jaxon Inglis over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
name three particles able to fit through freely across the cell membrane protein, water, and air particles
explain osmosis in your own words osmosis is like diffusion but in is where and unequal amount of water and protein particles gets distributed equally
how are diffusion and osmosis the same/different they are the same because they both distribute particles. they are different because one is gas particle and one is liquid particles
Selectively permeable membrane it means something only picks/lets certain things in/out e;g the cell membrane
diffusion diffusion is the distribution of air particles moving away from a more dense/congested to a less dense area
concentration gradient it means something goes from higher to lower concentration
osmosis osmosis is when you have water and protein particles getting dispersed into equal amounts of both mixed
turgidity in a plat cell if a plant cell is turgid it meas the plant is healthy and the vacuole is filled/watered good. when the vacuole is filled it creates turgor pressure making the cell wall swell which makes a plat cell turgid
when to use exocytosis a cell uses this to let out waste and let out good toxins to help the body
why is phagocytosis called cell eating it is called cell eating because when it lets things in the cell it opens up like a mouth eating food hence the name cell eating
why is air freshener a good example of diffusion it is good because it is used a lot in everyday life and it is meant to diffuse and spread across a room to freshen it up. a good example is diffuser candles or car fresheners
how is using to much fertilizer bad it could kill bugs and other animals, it could cause overgrowing, and could lead to really green grass making more animals eating it
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