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English words 3


INTERMEDIATE DIFFICULT ENGLISH WORDS Flashcards on English words 3, created by Ghabar Ghabar2 on 28/10/2017.
Ghabar Ghabar2
Flashcards by Ghabar Ghabar2, updated more than 1 year ago
Ghabar Ghabar2
Created by Ghabar Ghabar2 about 7 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Witticism A remark or expression characterized by cleverness in perception and choice of words. Syn: quip, sally, pun, one-liner, riposte, pleasantry, repartee, epigram, bon mot
Nevus n. pl. ne·vi (vye) Any of various congenital or acquired lesions of the skin that are usually pigmented and raised and may include epidermal, connective, vascular, or other types of tissue.
Finagle To obtain or achieve by indirect, usually deceitful methods.
Complect tr.v. To join by weaving or twining together; interweave.
‍Wangle vb(tr) to use devious or illicit methods to get or achieve (something) for (oneself or another): he wangled himself a salary increase.
Baleful adj. Portending evil; ominous: The guard's baleful glare frightened the children. Harmful or malignant in intent or effect: a baleful influence.
Brusque Abrupt and curt in manner or speech; discourteously blunt. Synonyms: curt, short,
Preponderance A superiority in numbers or amount.
Gabby (adj) Tending to talk excessively.
Invective n. Denunciatory or abusive language; vituperation: an orator known for his abundant use of invective. A denunciatory or abusive expression or discourse: shouted invectives at the umpire.
Gruff adj. gruffer, gruffest 1. Brusque or stern in manner or appearance: a gruff reply. 2. Hoarse; harsh: a gruff voice.
Judder Shake or vibrate rapidly and intensively.
Salacious adj. 1. Appealing to or stimulating sexual desire: salacious reading material. 2. Characterized by or indicating sexual desire; lustful: a salacious wink.
Molder To crumble to dust; disintegrate.
Bluestocking A woman having literary or intellectual interests.
Redact Formulate in a particular style or language.
Afflict Cause physical pain or suffering in.
Dissolute adj Lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual pleasures or vices. given to dissipation; debauched
Unabashed adj. 1. Not disconcerted or embarrassed; poised. 2. Not concealed or disguised; obvious: unabashed disgust.
Off-guard Not prepared or vigilant. Syn: napping
Chaparral Dense vegetation consisting of stunted trees or bushes.
Contusion An injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration. Syn: bruise
Arcanum Information known only to a special group. Syn: secret
inhibit When you inhibit something, you block it or hold it back. If you put plants in a dark room, you inhibit their growth.
Nimble definition, quick and light in movement; moving with ease; agile; active; rapid: nimble feet.
Jaw away To talk incessantly and/or at great length.
Faltering - the act of pausing uncertainly faltering - the act of pausing uncertainly; "there was a hesitation in his speech" falter, waver, hesitation
To shy at only thing he shied at was the sight of his own blood To move suddenly or draw back, as if startled or afraid: The horse shied at the loud sound.
Dither - An excited state of agitation. Syn: fuss, pother, tizzy, flap
Profligate Given to or characterized by licentiousness or dissipation: a profligate nightlife.
wanton adj. Lascivious or promiscuous. Used especially of women
Morganatic of or designating a marriage between a person of high rank and a person of low rank, by which the latter is not elevated to the higher rank and any issue have no rights to the succession of the higher party's titles, property, etc
Peachy Splendid; fine. smashing, swell, keen, great Syn: bully . dashing; jolly: my bully boy.
Bully informal very good; fine interj informal Also: bully for you well done! bravo!, corking, cracking, dandy,
Groovy adj. groovier, grooviest Slang Very pleasing; wonderful.
Nifty niftier, niftiest First-rate; great: a nifty idea. n. pl. nifties A nifty person or thing, especially a clever joke.,
Libertine n 1. a person who is morally or sexually unrestrained; rake. 2. a freethinker in religious matters. 3. a person freed from slavery in ancient Rome. adj. 4. free of moral, esp. sexual, restraint; licentious.
Fervid - characterized by intense emotion; "ardent love"; "an ardent lover"; "a fervent desire to change society"; "a fervent admirer"; "fiery oratory"; "an impassioned appeal"; "a torrid love affair"
Febrile adj relating to, or characterized by fever. Syn feverish The mother took her febrile and sweating child
Pert adj. perter, pertest High-spirited, lively, or cheerful: A pert receptionist greets each client. Impudently bold; saucy: He was pert to his teacher. She gave a pert answer. a. Attractive or stylish in appearance: a pert hat. b. Small or firm and well-formed: a pert nose.
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