Phrasal Verbs - Inglês #8


Phrasal verbs are idiomatic expressions, combining verbs and prepositions to make new verbs whose meaning is often not obvious from the dictionary definitions of the individual words. They are widely used in both written and spoken English, and new ones are formed all the time as they are a flexible way of creating new terms
Eduardo .
Flashcards by Eduardo ., updated more than 1 year ago
Eduardo .
Created by Eduardo . over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
rely on confiar em: *don´t rely on get vocabulary by looking up words in a dictionary
right away / off nesse instante, já *I’ll call him right away /off!
call off suspender, cancelar: *Think about calling off that game. It seems an accident is gonna happen
cover for Fornecer uma desculpa ou alibi para encobrir culpa de alguém *She would cover for her brother when they came in late
aside from a não ser por / com exceção de *Aside from the hard work, I get along to all people there.
fall into to start doing something, often without intending to: *She fell into a conversation with a man at the bar. *I fell into my job quite by accident.
turn on ligar a eletricidade *Turn on the CD player so we can dance.
use up esgotar, usar até o fim *Someone has used up all the milk.
call on invocar, recorrer, apelar *The old minister continued to call on his sick parishioners.
get over recuperar-se de algo *I got over the flu, but I don't know if I'll ever get over my broken heart. *She’s just getting over a cold.
go over revisar algo *I’m just going over my essay one more time.
go through passar por algo *She’s going through a difficult time with her job. *We went through so many problems...
look into investigar algo *They are looking into the causes of the accident.
run across encontrar alguém por acaso: *I ran across my old roommate at the college reunion.
over time com o tempo, ao longo do tempo: *Fuly understanding the nuances of polite words and phrases requires a very advanced level of knowledge that cannot be forced but, instead, naturally developed over time
break out surgir, irromper, começar *The fire broke out in the early morning. *War broke out in 1914.
stay out ficar do lado de fora *Our cat usually stays out at night. *My mum won’t let me stay out late.
get around evadir-se, 'sair pela tangente' *He managed to get around the real issues
bring down to cause a government or a leader to lose power *USA is trying to bring down ISIS.
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