Microsoft Office - Chapter 1


Preparing Documents - Open MS Word - create, save, name, print, open & close Word doc - Exit Word - Edit a document - Move the insertion point within a document - Scroll within a document - Select text in a document - Use the Undo and Redo buttons - Check spelling and grammar in a document - Use the help feature
Flashcards by dee.walker217, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dee.walker217 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
This toolbar contains the Save button. QUICK ACCESS
Click this tab to display the Backstage view FILE
This is the area located toward the top of the screen that contains tabs with commands and options divided into groups. RIBBON
This bar, located toward the BOTTOM of the screen, displays number of pages & words, view buttons and the zoom slider bar. STATUS BAR
This tab is selected by default HOME
This feature automatically corrects certain words as you type them AUTO-CORRECT
This feature inserts an entire item when you type a few identifying characters and then press Enter or F3 AUTO COMPLETE
This is keyboard shortcut to display the Print tab Backstage view. CTRL + P
This is the keyboard shortcut to close a document CTRL + F4
This is the shortcut to display a new blank document CTRL + N
Keyboard shortcut to move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous page. CTRL + PAGE UP
Keyboard shortcut to move the insertion point to the end of the document CTRL + END
Press this key on the keyboard to delete the character left of the insertion point BACKSPACE
Using the mouse, do this to select ONE word DOUBLE CLICK THE WORD
To select various amounts of text using the mouse, you can click in this bar. DRAG IN SELECTION BAR TO LEFT OF LINES
Click this tab to display the Spelling & Grammar button in the Proofing group. REVIEW TAB
This the keyboard shortcut to display the Word Help window. F1
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