year 8 RE


december exams year 8
kathy .
Flashcards by kathy ., updated more than 1 year ago
kathy .
Created by kathy . about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
key words and their definition
omniscient god is all knowing
omnipotent god is all powerful
omnibenevolent god is all loveing
omnipresent god is everywhere
monotheistic belief in one god
transcendent beyond this world
free will the ability to choose between good and evil
incarnation god becomes flesh in Jesus
crucifixion method of execution used on Jesus
resurrection Jesus comes back from the dead
messiah savior of humanity sent by God
ascension Jesus goes up to heaven
parable a story with a deeper meaning
trinity one god with three persons: the father, son, holy spirit
section 1 the nature of God and the Trinity
father: creator of the world and everything on it
son: god becomes flesh in Jesus. fully human and fully divine
holy sprit: presence of god's power at work on earth
the Apostles creed a statement of belief. Christians use the apostles creed
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