Social Inequality Flah cards


revision material for GCSE Sociology.
chris Gray
Flashcards by chris Gray, updated more than 1 year ago
chris Gray
Created by chris Gray almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Define the term social inequality? Social inequality is the unequal distribution of recources ,such as power and wealth, or opportunities such as Education, health and employment.
Name some sources of inequality in modern Britain today Answers could include: social class, age, gender and ethnicity (S.A.G.E)
Define the term social stratification. The term social stratification refers to the way society is structured into a hierachy of strata that is unequally ranked .
Explain how society is structured Society is structured into a hierarchy strata in a pyramid like format. The top stratum is the most powerful and as you move down the strata the inequality increases but the power decreases.
What does stratification involve inequalities between? it can involve inequalities between groups in the distribution of socioeconomic recourses such as wealth, income, status and power and they seem to persist over time
Explain how Britain has an achieved strata Britain has an open system of stratification and achieved status because you can achieve social mobility through achievement. It is a meritocratic society. it is a form of stratification
Explain how the caste system was an ascribed strata Traditional India is a place were you could see a closed system and an ascribed status. This is a place where there is no social mobility and you remain in the class you were born in. It is a form of stratification
What are Life chances? Life chances refers to an inderviduals chance of positive or negative outcomes as they move through life. They are distributed unequally because of factors explained in the next question
What can affect your life chances? Social class, age, gender, ethnicity. You need to know these for all GCSE Sociology cources, so to remember them think of S.A.G.E
Explain the Marxist view on Social Class The Marxists believe that society favours the wealthier in society whilst making the lower classes poorer. He believed that the Bourgeoisie (rich) would deprive the lower classes that much that the proletariats (poor) would rise up and revolt. This did not happen due to better conditions being established.
Explain Webers view on Social Class Weber view on social class is that it is split into four main classes with different life chances in the labour market. These are the property owners, professionals, petty bourgeoisie and the working class. (Weber, Leber, labour)
Explain the view of the Functionalist on Social Class The Functionalists approach believes that the stratification system fulfils the function of giving the most talented people, the highest rewarding achievements.
How have sociologists measured Social class? Sociologists have measured social class through the registrars general scale.
How does the registrars general scale work? It is based on the occupation of the person. For, instants more phsyical and unskilled people will be in the lower classes and professional jobs will give them a higher class.
What are the problems with the Registras General Scale? The scale is based on occupation and so it is difficult to place people without jobs (such as students, retired and unemployed) into a social class. • The class position of a jobless married woman was assessed on the basis of her husband’s occupation, which might be misleading
What are the problems with the Registras General Scale? • Wealthy upper-class people and property owners were difficult to place on a scale based on occupation • Two people may have the same occupation or job title yet there may be huge differences in their wealth, income, status and qualifications
What is the NS-SEC? The NS-SEC segregates people together based on the rewards they provide, an employer or employee, the people they control.
Which Act was introduced in 1970 relating to Gender? The Equal Pay act
What do Feminist believe are the biggest social problem? Gender
How do Feminists see society? They see society as patriachel.
How has inequality in relation to Gender changed over the last 40 years? Gender has become much more equal due to the Equal Pay Act of 1970 and changing social attitudes. Men are no longer considered as superior to women and women are now securing higher status`.
Name an example of a male and female dominated jobs Male dominated examples include jobs that are more physical such as plumbing and fire fighting
Why are women more likely to apply for part-time jobs rather than full-time. Women are more likely to commit to part time jobs because of several reasons. One is that they have the main responsibilities for housework and childcare. Another suggests that there is still gender inequality and a further explanation could be because the woman cannot afford to pay for childcare and therefore they cannot commit to full time work.
Name and explain the change in inequality based on ethnicity in the last 40 years Policies such as The Equality act
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