Spanish: Legal Terms


Vocabulary for Spanish Legal and Medical Terms Class.
Eva Ledezma
Flashcards by Eva Ledezma, updated more than 1 year ago
Eva Ledezma
Created by Eva Ledezma over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
a petición de at the request of
abogado lawyer/attorney
abogado de oficio public defender/appointed lawyer
abogado defensor defense attorney
abogado patrocinante lawyer/advocate sponsor
acoger sustain
acordado agree to/stipulated
acta record
actor plaintiff
actor criminal prosecutor
actuaciones proceedings
actuario court clerk
acuerdo entre abogados agreement amongst attorneys/indictment
acusacion charges
acusacion del Gran Jurado charges from the Great Judge
acusacion formal formal charges/arraignment
acusado accused/defendant
acusado que se representa a si mismo self-representation/pro per
agencia del orden publico law enforcement agency
agente agent/officer
agente de libertad vigilada probation officer
agenete del alguacil sheriff deputy
agente del Ministerio Publico Public ministry agent
alguacil sheriff
alibi alibi/cuartada
appiacion de la ley law enforcement
aplicar apply
aptitud aptitude
aptitud legal competency
apto qualified or suitable
atestiguar testify
audiencia hearing
audiencia preliminaria preliminary hearing
ausentar al jurado excuse/dismiss the jury
auto writ
auto de formal prision indictment and order to stand trial
autor (de un delito) perpetrator
bajo juramento under oath
infraccion infraction/offense crime
careo comparison/confrontation
caso case
caso fortuito act of God
caucion caution/bail
ceder yield/waive
certifico attest
citacion subpoena
citacion del acusado/demandado summons
citar/citatorio subpoena
cuartada alibi
como consta en el presente as set forth herein
consignacion motion to hold defendant to stand trial
consulta ante el juez status conference
consulta en el estrado sidebar conference
convenio judicial stipulation
decision judgement/ruling
declaracion de apertura opening statement
declaracion de clausura closing statement
defendido defendant
defensor defense attorney/DA
demanda claim/suit
demanda por daños y prejuicios claim for damages
demandado (civil) defendant
demandado (divorce) respondant
demandante (civil) plaintiff
demantante (civil) petitioner
mocion motion
pedimiento motion
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