Genetic Engineering


Flashcards on Genetic Engineering, created by avetsch99 on 30/05/2013.
Flashcards by avetsch99, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by avetsch99 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What process uses genetic engineering? Cloning
What does genetic engineering alter The genetic makeup of an organism
What was the first organism to be genetically modified? Bacteria
What is the first step in genetic engineering? To choose and isolate the gene that will be inserted to the genetically modified organism
What is an organism that is generated through genetic engineering? A genetically modified organism (G.M.O.)
What is the purpose of genetic engineering? To make an organism better in some way
What is the darkest aspect of genetic engineering? The possibility that a government or institution may undertake to enhance human beings by means of genetic engineering
What is electrophoresis? The technique used to separate fragments of cut DNA according to size by restriction enzymes
What is genetic engineering also called? (hint G.M.) Genetic Modification
What is genetic engineering? the direct manipulation of an organism's genome using biotechnology.
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