Chemistry of the atmosphere


GCSE Physics Chemistry of the atmosphere
Fraser Fittall
Flashcards by Fraser Fittall, updated more than 1 year ago
Fraser Fittall
Created by Fraser Fittall over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What was the early atmosphere made up of? The Early atmosphere was made up of mostly carbon dioxide with virtually no oxygen. This is like the atmosphere of mars and Venus today
What else does volcanic activity release? Nitrogen, water vapor, methane and ammonia
How were oceans formed? The water vapour in the air condensed
Why did lots of carbon dioxide get removed from the early atmosphere? The carbon dioxide was dissolved in the oceans. The dissolved CO2 went through a series of reactions to form carbonate precipitates that formed sediments on the seabed
How did green plants and algae evolve? They absorbed some of the carbon dioxide so that they could carry out photosynthesis
What human activity is reducing carbon dioxide reduction? Deforestation, fewer trees means less CO2 is removed via photosynthesis Burning fossil fuels, releases the CO2 that was trapped inside them Agriculture, more farm animals produce more methane through digestion Creating waste, more landfill sites means more CO2 and methane by decomposition
What are carbon footprints? Carbon footprints are a measure of the a,punt of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses released over the full life cycle of something
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