Medicine Through Time Individuals/Facts


GCSE History Flashcards on Medicine Through Time Individuals/Facts, created by JustHaych on 01/06/2013.
Flashcards by JustHaych, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by JustHaych over 11 years ago

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SNOW • 1813 - 1858 • Important in the work on anaesthetics (stopping pain during operations) • Important in the work on antiseptics (stopping open wounds getting infected) • Worked on proving how cholera was spread • Prevented people dying from cholera through his investigation into the disease • Made link between dirty water and cholera • Removed handle from Broad Street pump and noticed number of cases of cholera dropped • This theory could be put with Pasteur’s and Koch’s work • This forced the government to act and improve living conditions in Britain’s towns and cities
NIGHTINGALE •1820 AD - 1910 AD •Worked in Scutari hospital during the Crimean War •Organised hospital better so supplies were used properly •Improved conditions and death rate from 42% to 2% •Trained nurses in Britain after war, in her own nursing school. •Supported by Sidney Herbert, Secretary of War •Met opposition because she was a woman •Wanted to become a nurse, despite opposition from her parents • Became a matron (head nurse) and began investigating the conditions in hospitals in London
SIMPSON •1811 - 1870 • Surgeon from Edinburgh • Developed work on anaesthetics by using chloroform • His work became more accepted after Queen Victoria used anaesthetics •It numbed the patient so they did not feel pain •Developed surgery by allowing doctors to take longer and explore more •General (whole body) is still dangerous so local (one area) was developed.
VESALIUS •1514 AD - 1564 AD •Went to the graveyard of criminals and got their dead bodies, and dissected them •He discovered how the bone structure was. •Started to Prove/Question Galen's wrongs. •Wrote The Fabric of the Human Body •Proved that Galen was wrong about the holes in the septum in the heart •Used accurate drawings and the printing press to spread his research across the world.
HARVEY •1578 AD - 1657 AD •• Blood circulation…it was not made new each time…it was the same blood • Found we had one way valves in body • Heart was a pump • Wrote a book…’On the Movement of the Heart and Blood in Animals’ (1628) • Worked out how much blood was pumped every hour • He proved Galen wrong • Start of Scientific Method •Artists used to draw accurate diagrams in his book and the printing press to make copies.
JENNER •1749 AD - 1823 AD • Doctor from Somerset • Found a way to stop people getting small pox (vaccination) • Carried out many experiments on people to prove his theory of vaccination •Infected James Phipps with cow pox •Gave Phipps small pox, but he recovered •Vaccination became widespread…but was not always popular •People were not happy about having a bit of a cow disease injected into them •Doctors worried they would be put out of a job
PARE •1510 AD - 1590 AD •Surgeon in the French army •the use of ligatures to tie arteries closed, rather than sealing them with a hot iron (Cautery iron) •disproved the power of the Bezoar Stone, a stone that was believed to cured a poisoned person •Made an ointment out of Egg yolk, turpentine, and Rose oil, -something the Romans used to use, and found it was better used than hot oil on wounds.
GALEN •130 AD (approx.) - 200 AD (approx.) •Believed in the four humours. •Leading doctor in Roman Empire. •Wrote books and gave lectures on medicine. •His ideas on medicine were used to train doctors for 1400 years. •Dissection and anatomy. •Came up against religious rules about dissecting humans suggested. •There were holes in the septum (inside the heart). •live pig to show how the nerves in bodies.
HIPPOCRATES •460BC - 360BC • Four Humours →Black bile →Yellow Bile →Phloegm →Blood •Hippocratic Oath •Illness was natural, not by Spirits. father of modern medicine •Taught that the observations should be carefully written down to allow ideas to spread (known as clinical observation) •father of modern medicine
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