Circulatory System II


Flashcards on Circulatory System II, created by J yadonknow on 11/01/2018.
J yadonknow
Flashcards by J yadonknow, updated more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Created by J yadonknow over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the principle components of circulatory systems? Fluid that circulates through system Propulsive mechanism System of tubes/channels system of one-way valves or septa Ensure flow away from heart towards metabolising cells Return from metabolising cells to heart
What do these achieve? Bulk Flow drives fluid flow by applying a force, creating a pressure gradient Something for fluid to flow through Ensure flow away from heart towards metabolising cells Return from metabolising cells to heart
What are the pressure and resistance differences between the two systems? Open has a lower pressure system and lower resistance Closed has a higher pressure system and higher resistance
What are the features of an open circulatory system? Incomplete system of vessels Circulatory fluid is haemolymph
Describe the flow of haemolymph through the body Flows through vessels and freely percolates through intercellular spaces Hearts may propel the haemolymph through vessels Tissues bathed in haemocoel cavity, reaces cells directly Fluid flows back in through pseudohearts through ostea
What does co-ordinated body movements assist in? Haemolymph translocation
Describe open circulation in insects Use their tracheal systems to transport O2/CO2, haemolymph doesn't carry gases Circulation can be less efficient when respiratory gases are handled through a separate system
What are the features of a closed circulatory system? Complete and continuous system of blood vessels Fluid in vessels is blood Heart(s) propel blood through vessels (higher pressure to push through channels) Blood remains in vessels and separated from cells of the body
What role does the lymph system play? Intracellular spaces filled with interstitial fluid, which bathes cells and excess drains into lymph vessels of the lymphatic system
Draw a diagram of the blood vessels involved in circulation Greater arteries Arterial branches Arterioles Capillaries Venules Venuous branches Greater veins
Where and how are materials exchanged between blood vessels and cells? Diffusion occurs between blood vessels and interstitial fluid at the capillary bed Active transport of minerals and ions into capillary beds may also occur
Describe the movement of materials from blood vessels to cells and back to the herat So diffusion occurs over capillary wall into the interstitial space, and then diffuses/is AT from interstitial space into cells Capillaries then coalesce into venules, which come together to form venuous branches then reach the great vein to empty into the heart
How may a closed circulatory system vary between organisms? Anatomy of the heart Circulation pattern (double/single) May have accessory hearts that assist venous return i.e. bony fish have 4 chambered heart in a row that create an accumulative pressure
What are the requirements of an efficient circulatory system? efficient O2 carries in blood/haemolymph e.g. respiratory pigment Efficient gas exchange in the respiratory system at the respiratory interface Efficient delivery of nutrients Diversifiation of oxygenated fluids to systemic organs and deoxygenated fluid to respiratory organs Fast flow of fluids Efficient gas exchange in tissues
What formula allows us to figure out flow rate? FR=DP/R R=8nL/pir4
What additional function must mammalian cardiovascular systems also carry out? Thermoregulation
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