

Algumas das expressões mais utilizadas na língua inglesa.
Mateus Parizoto
Flashcards by Mateus Parizoto, updated more than 1 year ago
Mateus Parizoto
Created by Mateus Parizoto almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
For goodness' sake Pelo amor de Deus! “For goodness’ sake, hurry up!”
To have no clue Não ter a menor ideia. “I have no clue what I’m doing.”
Never heard of Nunca ouvi falar. “Never heard of that singer.” "I never heard grown-ups quarrel like that before."
Never mind Deixa prá lá. “Never mind – it wasn’t important anyway.”
Pretty soon Em breve. "Pretty soon something is going to happen.”
As good as it gets Melhor impossível. “How are you? I’m as good as it gets!”
It is up to you Você quem sabe. “What do you want for dinner? It’s up to you.”
Take your time Use o tempo que for necessário. “You don’t need to hurry, take your time.”
So far, so good Até aqui, tudo bem. “As far as I’m concerned; so far, so good."
How come? Como assim? Como isso aconteceu? “How come you don’t know what happened?"
To kill two birds with one stone "Matar dois coelhos com uma cajadada só. “I have to buy milk and you have to buy bread, we can kill two birds with one stone if we both go to the supermarket together."
As far as I know Até onde eu sei…, que eu saiba… “As far as I know, they were dating!”
As if! Até parece!. “Me, wearing pink? As if!.”
As lost as a nun on a honeymoon Mais perdido que cego em tiroteio. "I was at a party last week, I was as lost as a nun on a honeymoon."
Bite your tongue! Vira essa boca pra lá! "No, it’s not going to rain today, bite your tongue!"
My lips are sealed Minha boca é um túmulo. “Of course I’m not telling anyone, my lips are sealed.”
Right in the bull’s eyes! Na mosca! “I told you I was going to settle the score! Right in the bull’s eyes!"
Saved by the bell Salvo pelo gongo. “The kids wanted to start a fight but he was saved by the bell when his mother arrived.”
This is going to be a piece of cake Isso vai ser moleza. “Learnt a lot of english expressions today, was a piece of cake.”
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