American Pageant Ch. 2


Anta Cisse-Graham
Flashcards by Anta Cisse-Graham, updated more than 1 year ago
Anta Cisse-Graham
Created by Anta Cisse-Graham about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Queen Elizabeth I English Protestant Queen; proved to be an unusually successful ruler; ambitious; encouraged colonization; saw the defeat of the Spanish Armada during her rule
Sir Francis Drake a "seadog" who plundered the world and was financially backed by the Queen
Sir Walter Raleigh organized an expedition in 1585 on North Carolina's Roanoke Island off the coast of Virginia; is credited with introducing both the potato and tobacco to England
Philip II / Spanish Armada (1588) self-anointed enemy of the Protestant Reformation; used part of his imperial gains to create an "Invincible Armada" to invade England
English "enclosure" of cropland made for sheep grazing, forced many small farmers onto small land or off the land overall
Laws of "primogeniture" a law that decreed that only the eldest sons were eligible to inherit landed estates
Joint-stock companies the forerunner of the modern corporation; enabled a considerable number of investors called "adventurers" to pool their capital
Virginia Company of London a joint- stock company; intended to only endure for a few years, after its stockholders hoped to liquidate it for profit
"Charter" of the Virginia Company guaranteed to the overseas settlers the same rights of Englishmen that they would have enjoyed if they stayed at home
Jamestown, Virginia (1607) (named in honor of King James 1) about a hundred English settlers; all men; disembarked at a place along the James River
Captain John Smith saved Virginia; whipped the gold-hungry colonists into line with the rule,"He who shall not work, shall not eat"
Pocahontas Indian woman who married colonist John Rolfe; 1st known interracial union in Virginia
John Rolfe marriage to Pocahontas to seal a peace settlement that ended the first Anglo-Powhatan War in 1622; became father of tobacco
Lord De La Warr carried orders from the Virginia Company that amounted to a declaration of war against the Indians in the Jamestown region
Anglo-Powhatan Wars (1614, 1644) war between Lord De La Warr's troops and the Jamestown Indians
House of Burgesses (1619) an assembly created by the London Company for the Virginian settlers
Lord Baltimore (1634) absentee proprietor who hoped that the two hundred settlers who founded Maryland would be the vanguard of a vast new feudal domain; permitted unusual freedom of worship at the outlet
Maryland "Act of Toleration" (1649) passed in 1649; allowed all Christian religion in Maryland
Barbados Slave Code (1660) denied the most fundamental rights of slaves and gave slave masters complete control over their laborers
Charles II / Restoration (1660) the re-establishment of the British monarchy
North Carolina separated from South Carolina in 1712; people developed a strong spirit of resistance to authority
South Carolina founded by 8 nobles and developed close economic ties with the English West Indies
Georgia/James Oglethorpe (1733) founder of Georgia; wanted to create a haven for those imprisoned for debt; helped repel Spanish attacks
Iroquois Confederacy great military power in the Mohawk Valley that bound 5 Indian nations together; the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, & Sehecas
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