Created by Anta Cisse-Graham
about 7 years ago
Question | Answer |
Queen Elizabeth I | English Protestant Queen; proved to be an unusually successful ruler; ambitious; encouraged colonization; saw the defeat of the Spanish Armada during her rule |
Sir Francis Drake | a "seadog" who plundered the world and was financially backed by the Queen |
Sir Walter Raleigh | organized an expedition in 1585 on North Carolina's Roanoke Island off the coast of Virginia; is credited with introducing both the potato and tobacco to England |
Philip II / Spanish Armada (1588) | self-anointed enemy of the Protestant Reformation; used part of his imperial gains to create an "Invincible Armada" to invade England |
English "enclosure" of cropland | made for sheep grazing, forced many small farmers onto small land or off the land overall |
Laws of "primogeniture" | a law that decreed that only the eldest sons were eligible to inherit landed estates |
Joint-stock companies | the forerunner of the modern corporation; enabled a considerable number of investors called "adventurers" to pool their capital |
Virginia Company of London | a joint- stock company; intended to only endure for a few years, after its stockholders hoped to liquidate it for profit |
"Charter" of the Virginia Company | guaranteed to the overseas settlers the same rights of Englishmen that they would have enjoyed if they stayed at home |
Jamestown, Virginia (1607) | (named in honor of King James 1) about a hundred English settlers; all men; disembarked at a place along the James River |
Captain John Smith | saved Virginia; whipped the gold-hungry colonists into line with the rule,"He who shall not work, shall not eat" |
Pocahontas | Indian woman who married colonist John Rolfe; 1st known interracial union in Virginia |
John Rolfe | marriage to Pocahontas to seal a peace settlement that ended the first Anglo-Powhatan War in 1622; became father of tobacco |
Lord De La Warr | carried orders from the Virginia Company that amounted to a declaration of war against the Indians in the Jamestown region |
Anglo-Powhatan Wars (1614, 1644) | war between Lord De La Warr's troops and the Jamestown Indians |
House of Burgesses (1619) | an assembly created by the London Company for the Virginian settlers |
Lord Baltimore (1634) | absentee proprietor who hoped that the two hundred settlers who founded Maryland would be the vanguard of a vast new feudal domain; permitted unusual freedom of worship at the outlet |
Maryland "Act of Toleration" (1649) | passed in 1649; allowed all Christian religion in Maryland |
Barbados Slave Code | (1660) denied the most fundamental rights of slaves and gave slave masters complete control over their laborers |
Charles II / Restoration (1660) | the re-establishment of the British monarchy |
North Carolina | separated from South Carolina in 1712; people developed a strong spirit of resistance to authority |
South Carolina | founded by 8 nobles and developed close economic ties with the English West Indies |
Georgia/James Oglethorpe (1733) | founder of Georgia; wanted to create a haven for those imprisoned for debt; helped repel Spanish attacks |
Iroquois Confederacy | great military power in the Mohawk Valley that bound 5 Indian nations together; the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, & Sehecas |
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