Evolutionary Psychology


Degree DSE212-Exploring Psychology (Evolutionary Psychology) Flashcards on Evolutionary Psychology, created by Leanne McMahon on 02/06/2013.
Leanne McMahon
Flashcards by Leanne McMahon, updated more than 1 year ago
Leanne McMahon
Created by Leanne McMahon almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Theory of Mind. The ability to put yourself in anothers place mentally understand the motivations and beliefs and enables us to see things from their viewpoint. This enables us to predict events & Behaviour more accurately.
Chandler et al conducted a study on children as young as 2 and concluded that even this young age can understand and carry out 'theory of mind'. Theory of Mind is important because it is a universally cultural a way of predicting an evolved adaptation.
For Reciprocal Altruism to be affective Theory of Mind is necessary for this skill as altruism depends on being able to detect reciprocation. Reciprocal Altruism is important because it is a way of understanding adaptive behavioural characteristics for survival of the fittest.
Behavioural characteristics e.g. successful defence of territory from predators also afford an advantage. Males and Females have different reproductive strategies. Males mate with more females and females limit their partners by selecting only those with adaptive characteristics/resources.
Natural Selection. Natural selection is a key term in Darwin's Evolutionary theory and is processed by which genes carry advantageous adaptive value -characteristics are passed on. 'Survival of the Fittest' refers to success of a characteristic in a particular environment and promotes survival for those species who have it - thus adaption takes place over time - some species evolve to inherit it from parents who survived long enough to pass on genes contributing to fitness of species.
Darwin's finch studies revealed different beak shapes afforded a survival advantage when insects were main source of food. In different environments different beaks evolved which were fitter for the environment. Natural Selection is important because it aims to identify function of a characteristic and perhaps helps us to understand the reasons for its existence allowing adaption and acceptance or in some case drug therapy.
Reciprocal Altruism. An Evolutionary psychological term to explain the evolution of the behaviour of benefitting others who are not kin and where the altruist benefits directly. TRIVERS argues that individuals who act altruistically cannot guarantee that others will return the favour.
Sexual Selection. A form of natural selection, physical characteristics affects access to mates, this effects amount of offspring for males, a higher quality of mate will effect viability of offspring and increased chance of gene transmission. Competition, usually between males, is known as intrasexual selection and relates to mate selection based on physical characteristics (Peacocks Train)
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