Assisted Suicide


Highers RMPS (Medical Ethics) Flashcards on Assisted Suicide, created by Freya Scott on 20/01/2018.
Freya Scott
Flashcards by Freya Scott, updated more than 1 year ago
Freya Scott
Created by Freya Scott about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Assisted Suicide? When a person requests someone to aid them in committing suicide themselves.
What are the consequences of Assisting someone to Commit Suicide in Scotland? Aiding someone to commit suicide could lead to someone being convicted of murder and culpable homicide.
What are some arguments supporting Assisted Suicide? -It is a human right -It is a final act of loving kindness -Should be an option when quality of life has deteriorated -Safe and dignified.
What are some arguments opposing assisted suicide? -Life is sacred and no one has the right to take it -It is a hopeless act and not one of kindness -Places pressure on a rage of people -Could be abused -Slippery slope -No garintee it is pain free. -Not necessarily more dignified then any other kind of death.
What is the Christian view of assisted suicide? -Suicide is morally unacceptable -It is god's decision when we die not ours. -
What is the utilitarian view of assisted suicide? -Respect the choices of the individual. -a mixed view -However if it were to be legalised and the outcome did not benefit the many then they would not accept it.
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