Microbiology IV


Flashcards on Microbiology IV, created by J yadonknow on 21/01/2018.
J yadonknow
Flashcards by J yadonknow, updated more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Created by J yadonknow over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name an example of a microenvironment Soil particle
Microbial growth on soil particle Anerobic thrive near centre Aerobic on periphery
Where is microbial growth highly promoted in soil? In the rhizosphere - roots exude nutrients which microbes can absorb
How is growth in soil visualised? Fluorescent microscopy SEM
What is the subsurface? Groundwater Microbes survive on poor nutrient diet Probs use H2 as electron donor for resp.
What microbes exist in fresh water? Oxygenic phototrophs Algae+Cyanobacteria 1' producers, E comes from light.
What are the names for different microbes living at different depths of freshwater bodies? Planktonic - floating Benthic - attached to bottom/side of lakes/streams
What are the names of the different layers Epillimnion Thermocline Hypolimnion
What are conditions like in coastal/ocean waters? Very low in nutrients, especially N,P,Fe. Water temperatures more constant and cooler
What is characteristic of microbes in the ocean? Very small cells characteristic of poor-nutrient environments Less energy to maintain cell Requires a greater number of transport enzymes relative to cell volume to gain nutrients from a very dilute environment
How are these microbes important for global CO2 levels? Their oxygenic photosynthesis is a major contributor
At what levels of the ocean do bacteria occur? In the photic zone - where light can penetrate Deep sea is below 1000m, there's low C, nutrients, and high pressure
Name some abiotic growth factors Nutrient availability C pH Moisture O2
What sort of organisms tolerate O2's presence? Aerotolerant, they tolerate O2 but don't use it in their metabolism.
Define water activity Ratio of vapour pressure of air in equilibrium with a substance or solution to the vapour pressure of pure water.
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