Global Environmental Changes I


Flashcards on Global Environmental Changes I, created by J yadonknow on 22/01/2018.
J yadonknow
Flashcards by J yadonknow, updated more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Created by J yadonknow about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What's the difference between non-point and point pollution? Non-point - wide input and impact over a large area Point - single identifiable source
How can you measure the effect of pollution? LD50 LC
LD50 Single dose of a chemical test, when fed/applied dermally kills 50% of that group
LC Lethal concentration concentration of pollutant in air/water that will kill half of all test animals with a single exposure
How may the effects of pollutants differ? Additive antagonistic Synergistic
Additive Add-on effect
Antagonistic effect effect of one pollutant may be negated or reduced by impact of another
Synergistic effect Combine in a way that the enviro impact is far greater than if they were just additive
What sort of sources of pollution exist? (4) Point source Multi-point source Seeping (fertiliser run-off) Spreading (volatiles in air)
What's the difference between acute and chronic pollution? Acute is usually a point-source or one accident, afterwards an ecosystem can being to recover Chronic pollution is a constant low-level input into that environment, occurs either continuously or in frequent pulses. Environment is under light stress
Why is chronic pollution arguably worse The effect is cumulative, and the ecosystem doesn't get a chance to recover.
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