Global Environmental Changes V


Flashcards on Global Environmental Changes V, created by J yadonknow on 22/01/2018.
J yadonknow
Flashcards by J yadonknow, updated more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Created by J yadonknow almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the direct effects of CO2 on plants? C3 plants respond positively to increased CO2 by increasing photosynthesis Common response in plants is to increase their C:N ratio Reduced transpiration due to partial closing of stomata
How do C3/C4 plants react to a double in CO2 ppm? C3= 40% increase C4= 20% increase C3 tend to be weeds
What important factor may limit carbon fixation? Nutrient supply, soil must be fertile or photosynthesis will be limited.
What sort of plants are C3/C4 plants? Barley/oats/wheat Bermuda grass, corn
What negative effects does CO2 increase have on commercial crops? There's increased competition from weeds, so more herbicides are used, and less produce is churned out.
Why can't agriculturists say the definite effect of CO2 increase on plants? As growth response to increasing [CO2] varies within even a species due to differing genotypes.
What is the indirect effect on plants? Leaves of plants are generally thicker and contain more starch Plants also have more carbon based defences against herbivores.
What is the indirect effect on insects? Insects end up nitrogen deficient due to increased C:N ratios and therefore have to consume more plants.
What happens to insect distribution as a result of global warming Butterfly activity peaks earlier due to temperature changes
What effect does it have on species like Cyclamen sp.? Huge loss of land covering, habitat shrink, change in distribution of biota.
What are the effects of agriculture? Negative effects are partially compensated by an increase in productivity due to the fertilisation effect of increased CO2. Overall, will cause a 5% decrease in global cereal production. Increased disparity in cereal production between developed and less developed countries Developed increase 5%, less developed decrease 10% Northward movement of crops
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