1.7 business planning


Flashcards on 1.7 business planning , created by Tasmin Thiara on 24/01/2018.
Tasmin Thiara
Flashcards by Tasmin Thiara, updated more than 1 year ago
Tasmin Thiara
Created by Tasmin Thiara about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Expanding a business The growth of a business expanding
A merger A merger is when 2 business join together
A takeover A takeover is when one business takes control of another business
Internal expansion This is when the business grows by the increase in production
Internal growth Occurs when a business gets bigger by selling more of its products
Franchisee Buys a franchise, usually in return for a fee and percentage of turnover
External growth Occurs when firms join together
Franchisor Sells a franchise, usually in return for a fee and percentage of turnover
Market capitalisation Measures the value of all a business’s shares
E-commerce The act of buying or selling a product using an electronic system such as the internet
Outsourcing Occurs when a business uses another business to produce for it
Business expansion When a business gets bigger the more customers, more market share and less likely of a takeover.
Advantages of buying a franchise Established brand Access to training and supplies Share marketing costs Learm from other franchises
Disadvantages of buying a franchise Have to share profits Make have to work with other franchisors
Advantages of business expansion More power Bigger company is the more status Other business can not take over as your business is a big brand
Disadvantages of business expansion Decision making made slower as of the amount of people Employees feel isolated
Expanding abroad New target market and greater sales Differnet las and regulations Existiong business may offer competition Purchasing habits may be different
Value of sales The bigger the turnover the bigger the business
Market share This measures the sales of one business a sa percentage of the total market
Value of the business The amont of money the business is worth
Diseconomies of scale Whne the cost per unit increases as a business expands
Economies of scale The more you order - the cheaper each item becomes
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