Cognitive Explaination of OCDs


A-Levels Psychology (PSYB2 - Phobias/OCDs) Flashcards on Cognitive Explaination of OCDs, created by Adam O'Rourke on 02/06/2013.
Adam O'Rourke
Flashcards by Adam O'Rourke, updated more than 1 year ago
Adam O'Rourke
Created by Adam O'Rourke over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Characteristics of People With OCD's - More likely to suffer from depression - Very high moral standards and standards of conduct - They believe that their obsessive thoughts are just like performing behaviours and that their thoughts can harm others - They believe that they should be able to have control over their thoughts an behaviours
Neutralising Effect -Compulsive behaviour has a neutralising effect on obsessive thoughts and images - A persons attempt to eliminate unwanted thoughts by thinking or behaving in ways that put matters right internally, making up for the unacceptable thoughts
Rachmanns Four Steps 1. Presence of obsessional thoughts or images 2. Catastrophic misinterpretations of thoughts 3. Fear and high level of anxiety 4. Attempts to resist and avoid the thoughts
Rachman and Hodges Cognitively vulnerable people are more susceptible to OCD's. Factors eg. genetically determined hyper-arousability, depression, ect
Evaluation -Very little evidence that OCD's are a result of socialisation experiences -Sher, people that scored highly on a measure of compulsive behaviour also showed a memory deficit for recently preformed actions, shows a cognitive deficit -Explains how OCD is maintained -Davidson and Neale, OCD patients are unable to distinguish reality and imagination
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