The Positive School (ch. 2)


Supernatural theories of crime. Crime was determined by physical characteristics.
Calli Ware
Flashcards by Calli Ware, updated more than 1 year ago
Calli Ware
Created by Calli Ware over 6 years ago

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Question Answer
How did people explain bad behavior "back in the day"? - SPIRITUALISM - Good v. Evil - " The devil made me do it"
Spiritualism Explanations - Natural disasters were punishments by spirits for wrongdoings - Trial by battle (god would save you if you were innocent)
Compurgation - Allowed the accused to have reputable people swear under oath that they were innocent
What is wrong with spiritual explanations? - Cannot be tested - Therefore, led to natural explanation
The Classical School - Cesare Beccaria
Cesare Beccaria - Father of Criminal Justice - Deference model - Strong belief in social contract
Social Contract - Society should give up certain rights for the governments protection of them
Principles of Becarria - Punishments must be certain, swift, and severe - Offender should be viewed as a reasonable person - Its better to prevent crimes than to punish them
Two Types of Deterrence 1. General 2. Specific
Two Types of Deterrence * General * - You don't do something because you're scared of getting in trouble
Two Types of Deterrence * Specific * - You experience a punishment first hand
Three Elements of Deterrence 1. Swift 2. Certain 3. Severe
Three Elements of Deterrence * Swift * SWIFT - Punishment must be soon enough that the offender can link the crime & punishment together - 6th amendment
Three Elements of Deterrence * Certain * CERTAIN - Certainty that you are going to be caught and punished - MOST IMPORTANT
Three Elements of Deterrence * Severe * SEVERE - The punishment must fit the crime
The Positive School - Crime is based on your physical makeup
Johann Layater & Physiognomy - The study of facial features to determine behavior - Crazy eyes, big ears, pointy mouth - White man was the only one who looked "normal"
Franz Joseph Gall & Phrenology - Determining human disposition based on bumps on the skull
Lombroso's Positive School - Work based on Darwinism - Studied soldiers & their physical differences - Certain criminals were born atavistic
Lombroso's Atavistic - Less evolved than the average human - Identified through stigmata
Lombroso's Atavistic Individuals - Abnormally large/small ears, nose, eyes, jaws - Tattoos - Family history
Lombroso's Four Classifications of Criminals 1. Born criminals 2. Insane criminals 3. Occasional criminals 4. Criminals of passion
Lombroso's Four Classifications of Criminals * Born Criminal * - Atavistic characteristics
Lombroso's Four Classifications of Criminals * Insane Criminal * - Idiotism, imbeciles, paranoias, alcoholics, epileptics
Lombroso's Four Classifications of Criminals * Occasional Criminal * - Crimes explained by opportunity but do not have innate traits that predispose them to criminality
Lombroso's Four Classifications of Criminals * Criminals of Passion * - Commit crimes out of anger, love, or honor
Lombroso's Lasting Legact - Put forth a multiple factor explanation of crime - Pushed the study of crime towards science - Father of Positive School
Italian Criminological Tradition - Enrico Ferri - Raffaele Garofalo
Enrico Ferri & Habitual Criminal & Interactive Effects - Created habitual criminal - Criminality can be explained by interactive effects of physical, individual & social
Enrico Ferri & Habitual Criminal & Interactive Effects - Physical: race, geography, temperature - Individual: age, gender, psychological Social: population, religion, culture
Raffaele Garofalo & Pity/Probity - Major belief: Society is more important than the individual - Crime is an act against nature
Raffaele Garofalo & Pity/Probity 1. Pity - voluntary infliction of the suffering of others 2. Probity: respect the property of others
Other Early Studies - Goring - Kretschmer - Sheldon - Frued
Goring & English Convicts - Studied 3,000 english convicts - Determined no significant difference between criminals/non except for stature and body weight - Criminals slightly smaller
Kretschmer Three Body Types 1. Asthenic 2. Athletic 3. Pyknic
Kretschmer Three Body Types * Asthenic * - Lean and narrowly built - Prone to schizophrenia
Kretschmer Three Body Types * Athletic * - Muscular - Prone to schizophrenia
Kretschmer Three Body Types * Pyknic * - Medium build with propensity to be overweight - Prone to manic depression
William Sheldon & Somatotyping - In general body types can predict criminality - Endomorphic, mesomorph, Ectomorph
Williem Sheldon & Somatotyping * Endomorphic * - Obese - Associate personality trait: jolly and lazy
William Sheldon & Somatotyping * Mesomorph * - Athletic - Associate personality trait: Agressive
William Sheldon & Somatotyping * Ectomorph * - Thin - Associate personality trait: Shy
Frued Id/ Ego/ Superego - All behavior is motivated and purposive, but is not socially acceptable so it must be repressed
Frued Id/ Ego/ Superego * Id* - Urges one to commit crimes
Frued Id/ Ego/ Superego * Ego* - Balances deserves between id and superego
Frued Id/ Ego/ Superego * Superego - Perceptions of ourselves
Major Family Studies - Dugdale - Goddard
Dugdale & Jukes Family Study - Concluded family involved in crime because family suffered from "degeneracy and innate depravity" - Criminal behavior is inherent
Goddard & Kalikaks Family Study - Criminality is more common in some families - Criminality of the mother has a stronger influence on the children than the fathers criminality
IQ Studies - Alfred Binet - Goddard
Alfred Binet & Changeable IQ - Created IQ - Created to identify youth who were not up to par educationally - IQ CAN BE CHANGED
Goddard & Innate IQ - IQ cannot be changed - Passed on from generations - Used IQ to incapacitate people - Feeblemindedness: low IQ - Moron is the most dangerous
Policy Implications - If people are inherently bad, what type of policy will be enforced? 1. Mass incarceration 2. Elimination 3. Eugenics
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