Body Plans


A level Biology (6.1.1 Cellular Control) Flashcards on Body Plans, created by Yinka F on 18/02/2018.
Yinka F
Flashcards by Yinka F, updated more than 1 year ago
Yinka F
Created by Yinka F almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a body plan? A body plan is the general structure of an organism
The proteins that control body plan development are coded for by genes called... Hox genes
Complete the sentences: Similar ____ genes are found in animals, plants and fungi, which means that ______ ______ development is controlled in a _________ way in many organisms. Hox genes have regions called ___________ sequences, which are highly __________. Similar HOX genes are found in animals, plants and fungi, which means that BODY PLAN development is controlled in a SIMILAR way in many organisms. Hox genes have regions called HOMEOBOX sequences, which are highly CONSERVED.
What do homeobox sequences code for? Homeobox sequences code for a part of the protein called the homeodomain
What does the homeodomain do? The homeodomain binds to specific sites on DNA, enabling the protein to work as a transcription factor. The proteins bind to DNA at the start of developmental genes, activating or repressing transcription and so altering the production of proteins in the development of the body plan
What is apoptosis? Programmed cell death
Outline the process of apoptosis 1. Enzymes break down cytoskeleton, the cytoplasm becomes dense 2. Blebs form in cell membrane 3. Chromatin condenses, DNA fragments and nuclear membrane breaks down 4. Cell breaks into vesicles which are ingested via phagocytosis
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