Tourism- Blackpool Case Study


A Levels Geography (GCSE) Flashcards on Tourism- Blackpool Case Study, created by beth2384 on 07/06/2013.
Flashcards by beth2384, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by beth2384 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
By ______ B&B prices fell as low as £__ a night 2000, £10
Improvements in 2001 (3 things) landscaping car parks, smartening up areas, knocking old buildings down
Improvement in 2003 Pleasure Beach opened a 4 star hotel called 'Big Blue Hotel'
Improvements in 2006 (2 things) 3 blue flags on beaches had been awarded, 'Water World' opened
Improvement in 2011 Pleasure Beach opened 'Nickelodean Land'
Improvements now? Illuminations being transformed costing £10million
How many days do the illuminations run for? 66 days
What months do the illuminations run in? August-November
How tall is Blackpool Tower? 158metres
When was Blackpool Tower built? 1894
When were the Blackpool illuminations founded? 1879
When was the Pleasure Beach founded? 1896
How many visitors did Pleasure Beach have in 2007? 5.5million
From 1990-1999 how many hotels ceased trading? 1000 hotels ceased trading
From 1990-1999 how many holiday-flat premises closed? 300 holiday-flat premises closed
From 1990-1999 average hotel occupancy rates fell as low as? 25%
From 1990-1999 visitor numbers per year fell from? 17million to 11 million
What was the big plan for Blackpool? To get a Super Casino granted by the government
What happened to the super casino plan? It was awarded to Manchester then scrapped
Problems in Blackpool: beach and sea water _______ pollution
Problems in Blackpool: ______ summer weather- ____ and _____ unreliable, wet, windy
beach ____ in winter _____ erosion, storms
__________ out of season unemployment
__________ and ____________ on bank holidays overcrowding, traffic jams
_______ frightened off by binge-drinking culture of __________ and ___________ families, 'stag nights', 'hen parties'
cheap _______ _________ to _____________ take away regular visitors package holidays, Mediterranean
What will Blackpool have to rely on? day trippers or people staying 2-3 days at best
What happened to the Pleasure Beach from 2000-2005? Visitor numbers fell from 7 to 6 million
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