Drama Homework


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Billie-Joe Cooke
Flashcards by Billie-Joe Cooke, updated more than 1 year ago
Billie-Joe Cooke
Created by Billie-Joe Cooke almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What Is Diction ? The style of Speaking of a character within the play .
What is Tone ? The way the words are spoken
What is the Fourth Wall ? imagined wall separates actors from the audience
What is blocking ? The positioning of actors on the stage
What is Mime ? Communicating without words, using only expressions and movement .
What Is Pitch ? The highness or lowness of the tone of voice.
What Is Dialogue ? The spoken text of a play
What is Melodrama ? Its a dramatic piece of drama that exaggerates the Characters in order to show their Emotions .
What is Backstage ? The part of the stage which is out of the sight of the audience.
What is Rehearsal ? A session when actors are called to work through some scenes from the play .
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