Created by otloveschocolate
almost 12 years ago
Question | Answer |
1939 | Exclusion of Jews from economy completed. Official policy to ENCOURAGE EMMIGRATION. Jewish population decreased from 500, 000 to 200, 000. |
MEFO BILLS | Scheme thought up by SCHACHT to pay for armaments, instead of using money. Mefo Bills payed for armaments, the sellers of the armaments could spend mefo bills ONLY ON GERMAN PRODUCTS. Putting money in economy, none leaving. |
1936 (II) | FOUR YEAR PLAN -> Under Goering's control, aimed to have Germany ready for war by 1940 & to create AUTARKY- self sufficiency. |
BY 1939 | Virtually NO UMEMPLOYMENT |
1919 | Hitler joined small right-wing group called German Workers' Party'. Eentually took over as leader and renamed party 'Nationalist Socialist Party' |
4 OCTOBER 1923 | VON KAHR & VON LOSSOW called off rebellion after Hitler had already collected stor troopers. |
8 OCTOBER 1923 | Hitler & 600 storm troopers burst into meeting being held by Kahr & Lossow in a local Beer Hall. Hitler forces them to take part in rebellion next day. |
9 OCTOBER 1923 | Hitler & Nazis march into Munich to rebel, when there are faced with police & army reinforcements. 16 Nazis killed. Hitler fled, but later arrested & imprisoned. |
1929 | Wall Street Crash DESTROYED WEIMAR GERMANY |
JULY 1930 | CHANCELLOR BRUNING cut government spending, wages & unemployment pay. Could not get Reichstag to agree, so President Hindenburg used Clause 48 |
1928 | Nazis only gained 12 SEATS in Reichstag |
JULY 1932 | Nazis gained 230 SEATS in Reichstag, making them largest party. |
1932 | President Hindenburg dismissed Bruning. Replaced him with VON PAPEN. |
JANUARY 1933 | Hindenburg & von Papen offered Hitler position of vice- Chancellor, thinking they could control him. He REFUSED & DEMANDED to be made CHANCELLOR. |
VON PAPEN -> VON SCHLEICHER | VON SCHLEICHER replaced VON PAPEN. Von Schleicher offered Hitler's deputy, Gregor Strasser, the chance to become Vice- Chancellor, as believed could control Nazis by splitting them. Strasser refused. |
February 1933 | REICHSTAG FIRE -> van der Lubbe, communist, caught at scene & imprisoned. Hitler angry as no other communists arrested, secured emergency powers letting him ban KPD. |
5 MARCH 1933 | GENERAL ELECTION: only 45% vote Nazi, but gives them majority as had 288 seats. |
23 MARCH 1933 | ENABLING ACT: SA intimidates all remaining non- Nazi parties. Reichstag votes to give Hitler right to MAKE OWN LAWS. |
20 JUNE 1933 | CONCORDAT: Hitler makes agreement with Pope to LEAVE CATHOLIC CHURCH ALONE. |
APRIL 1934 | NAZI PEOPLE'S COURTS set up, judges hae to swear an OATH OF LOYALTY to Hitler. |
30 JUNE 1934 | NIGHT OF THE LONG KNIVES -> some SA leaders demanding to carry out Nazi socialist agenda, Hitler won't anger businessmen or army, so has SS (Hitler's bodyguard) murder 400 SA members, SA leader Rohm. |
AUGUST 1934 | HINDENBURG DIES & Hitler declares himself FUHRER, joint Chancellor, President & Head of Army. |
1933 | One day BOYCOTT of JEWISH SHOPS |
15 SEPTEMBER 1935 | NUREMBERG LAWS -> 1) Jews could not marry non- Jews. 2) Jews not German citizens. |
1936 | BERLIN OLYMPICS- Hitler uses it as Nazi propoganda. |
9 NOVEMBER 1938 | KRISTALLNACHT -> Wave of terror against Jews. Suggested by Goebbels after muder of German official (supposedly by Jews). Destruction of Jewish homes, businesses & synagogues. |
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