Changing Urban Environments- Urbanisation


A Levels Geography (GCSE) Flashcards on Changing Urban Environments- Urbanisation, created by beth2384 on 08/06/2013.
Flashcards by beth2384, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by beth2384 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name 4 mega cities in the developed world London, New York, Paris, Moscow
Name 5 mega cities in the developing world Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Delhi, Mexico City, Shanghai
Name 4 things that could improve by living in a developing world city Economy, quality of life, income, opportunity for improvement
Name 3 opportunities for improvement in developing world cities jobs in informal sector could lead to skills being gained, improving shanty towns, possibilities that aren't available in rural cities
Name 2 benefits to a developing country's economy by increased urbanisation more value added by processing + manufacturing than exporting raw materials, big cities attract investments from overseas
Name 3 benefits to people's income by living developing world cities wider range of and better jobs, commercial opportunities for farmers to sell produce, work in the informal sector can make more money than farming
Name 2 benefits to people's quality of life by living in developing world cities vital services, secondary education
Name 2 differences between the structure of a developed city and the structure of a developing city Developed has no squatter settlements, developing has a high quality commercial spine running from edge to centre
Why are more people moving into the countryside in developed countries? To have more space
Why is it possible to move back into the countryside for many in developed countries? (4 points) 1 transport links 2 communication 3 afford to travel 4 cheaper land prices/values in countryside
When do towns and cities grow? During an industrial revolution
When was the industrial revolution in the UK? 1800s
Name some URBAN PULL FACTORS (2 points) better paid jobs, reliable food supplies
Name some RURAL PUSH FACTORS (3 points) lack of services, poverty, remoteness
Do more people live in urban or rural areas? Urban
by 2005 there were ___ ______ cities 20, mega
What's hyper-urbanisation? incredibly fast urbanisation
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