Practical Techniques in Organic Synthesis


A level Chemistry (4.2 Alcohols, Haloalkanes and Analysis) Flashcards on Practical Techniques in Organic Synthesis, created by Yinka F on 09/03/2018.
Yinka F
Flashcards by Yinka F, updated more than 1 year ago
Yinka F
Created by Yinka F almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Organic reactions are slow and the substances are usually flammable and volatile. What is the problem with heating them with a Bunsen burner? The substances will evaporate or catch fire before they have time to react
What is done to overcome the problems associated with organic substances being flammable and volatile? Refluxing a reaction
Describe the process of reflux The mixture is heated in a flask fitted with a vertical Liebig condenser. Anti-bumping granules are also added to make boiling smoother.
What is the purpose of distillation? To separate liquids with different boiling points
Describe the method of distillation Distillation involves gently heating a mixture in a distillation apparatus. The substances will evaporate out of the mixture in order of increasing boiling point.
What can be used to purify a product that is insoluble in water? Use a separating funnel to remove any impurities that do dissolve in water (e.g. salts or water-soluble organic compounds like alcohols)
How do separating funnels work? The organic layer is normally less dense than the aqueous layer, so should float on top. Most of the water-soluble impurities should have dissolved in the lower aqueous layer. A stopper can then be used to run off the aqueous layer and collect the product.
If you use separation to purify a product, the organic layer will end up containing trace amounts of water. What must be done to completely purify the product? It must be dried - you add an anhydrous salt (e.g. MgSO₄ or CaCl₂). The salt is used as a drying agent. The mixture is then filtered to remove the agent
How do anhydrous salts act as drying agents? It binds to any water present to become hydrated
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