Created by Elizabeth Westmacott
over 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
A stimulus is received causing... | ...some sodium voltage gated channels to open. |
Sodium ions... | ...diffuse into the axon through these channels. |
Sodium ions are... | ...positively charged. |
They reverse... | ...the potential difference across the membrane. |
As the sodium ions diffuse into the axon... | ...more sodium channels open. |
The membrane is depolarised and now... | ... the voltage-gated sodium ion channels close. |
The voltage gated potassium ion channels... | ...open and potassium ions diffuse out of the axon. |
The axon is... | ...repolarised. |
The inside of the axon becomes more negative than usual... | ...which is known as hyperpolarisation. |
The potassium ion channels close and the sodium-potassium pumps... | ...cause sodium ions to be pumped out and potassium ions in. |
The... | ...resting potential is re-established. |
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