H6: Medicare Supplement Insurance


Accident & Health Agent Flashcards on H6: Medicare Supplement Insurance, created by Det Ferraris on 12/06/2013.
Det Ferraris
Flashcards by Det Ferraris, updated more than 1 year ago
Det Ferraris
Created by Det Ferraris almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Medical Supplement Policies policies sold by private insurers to help full 'gaps' in coverage provided by Medicare
Medicare Supplement Policies aks Medigap Policie Medicare Supplement Policies aks Medigap Policie
12 Standardized Plans (A-L) or 10+2 high deductible plans) 12 Standardized Plans (A-L) or 10+2 high deductible plans)
A=Core B-L= Broader A=Core B-L= Broader
F & J available with high deductible option. F & J available with high deductible option.
high deductible = lower premium high deductible = lower premium
K &L take coinsurance approach and has Out-Of-Pocket Limit K &L take coinsurance approach and has Out-Of-Pocket Limit
Medicare SELECT plan type of Medicare Supplement policy that provides coverage through a PPO or any other type of restricted network
Plan A (Core Plan) must be offered by an insurer who is going to offer any Medical Supplement policies
within 6 months of enrolling for Part B, app for Med Supp cannot be declined or premiums increased within 6 months of enrolling for Part B, app for Med Supp cannot be declined or premiums increased
Pre-existing conditions may be excluded up to 6 months. Pre-existing conditions may be excluded up to 6 months.
Noncancelable cannot be cancelled, premiums cannot be increased
Guaranteed Renewable Cannot be cancelled, premiums can be increased, but BY CLASS ONLY
All Medicare Supplement Policies have a 30 days Free-Look period All Medicare Supplement Policies have a 30 days Free-Look period
An agent must deliver the following to a medicare supplement applicant at the time of initial solicitation: Buyers Guider, Outline of Coverage
Medicare Supplement Policies are NOT endorsed by the government Medicare Supplement Policies are NOT endorsed by the government
Medical aka Medicaid a joint Federal & State insurance program that provides medical, dental and vision for LOW INCOME (indigent)
Share of Cost amount of health care expenses some Medi-Cal recipients must accumulate in a month before Medi-Cal begins to provide coverage
Agents CANNOT sell any health insurance to a MEDI-Cal BENEFICIARY who is age 65 or older Agents CANNOT sell any health insurance to a MEDI-Cal BENEFICIARY who is age 65 or older
Disability Applications must contain question to determine if Medi-Cal BENEFITS are being received by applicant Disability Applications must contain question to determine if Medi-Cal BENEFITS are being received by applicant
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