Online Advertisments


ICT-BTEC (Online) Flashcards on Online Advertisments , created by dominicbroadbent on 19/09/2014.
Flashcards by dominicbroadbent, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dominicbroadbent about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Method of Advertising : Search Engine Results Page Examples : Google AdWords, Yahoo Advertising, Bing Ads How it Works: Companies can register with search engines so that when a keyword is used e.g. "trainers" their sites appear high up in the search results. Benefits: Search Engines recieve money and advertisers recieve traffic.
Method of Advertising : Banner and Pop-up advertisments Examples : Ads that appear at the top of pages (usually animated or interactive) How it Works : Banner ads are created by the company who wants to advertise a product, they pay websites that sell relevant products to place the banner where it can be seen easily. Benefits : the advertiser sells their product and the website recieves money and the sale
Method of Advertising : Email Marketing Examples : Emails that appear advertising a product (often put into junk mail). How it Works : Companies design Emails that capture the attention of the targeted audience (colour, design, animation etc). They are also designed to retain customer interest by directing them to additional info. The customers are both potenntial and existing ones. Benefits : The advertiser attracts the attention of customers and the customers are given the oppurtinty to find new products.
Method of Advertising : Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC) Examples : Ads that appear on an afliate website provided by companies such as Google™ AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing and Microsoft ® adCenter, these ads are often made to attract attention. How it Works : A company that wants to advertise their products gives one of their bannner ads to an affiliate website relevant to their products or not. When someone clicks on this ad they are redirected to the advertisers site. A piece of code tracks where this traffic comes from. If a sale occurs from this traffic the affiliate site will recieve a set %percentage of the money e.g. 5% Benefits : The advertiser gets traffic and a sale from the banner ad and the site where the banner was placed recieves money from the purchase.
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