Molecule shapes


Flashcards on Molecule shapes, created by I Shouldn't be awake on 19/04/2018.
I Shouldn't be awake
Flashcards by I Shouldn't be awake, updated more than 1 year ago
I Shouldn't be awake
Created by I Shouldn't be awake over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Increase in shell number n effect on S-orbital Greater the S orbital radius
Increase in shell number n effect on p-orbital Further p orbital is from nucleus
What sub-shells are present in shell 3? 3s,3p,3d
Within a sub-shell, all orbitals have the same ___ Energy
Explain shape of CH4 4 pairs of bonded electrons around central carbon atom Repel each other, arrange themselves as fair in space to minimise repulsion Form a tetrahedral arrangement 109.5'
Explain shape of NH3 3 bonded pairs of electrons repel lone pair of electrons, lone pairs repel more strongly than bonded pairs reduces bond angle between bonded electrons by 2.5' 107., pyramidal
Draw a table of molecular shapes (8) bond angles name electrons linear 180' Trig. planar 120' Tetrahedral 109.5' Pyramidal 107' Bent 104.5' Trigonal bipyramidal 90+120' Octahedral 90' Square planar 90'
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