The Fight For Democracy and English Civil War


Social Studies 9 Chapter 2
Flashcards by susanh9, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by susanh9 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
DEMOCRACY A government that is controlled by the people who live under it
INCOMPETENT Lacking the skill or ability to doing something
TO ALLY To make friends with someone or a group of people in order to fight for a common cause
TITLE The distinguishing name of a person, book, play or poetry
COURT OF STAR CHAMBER A royal court in which people had no legal rights
DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS Is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy
FREEDOM OF SPEECH Freedom of Speech is a right in Canada today only because others fought for it
THE PETITION OF RIGHT, 1628 Spells out one of Parliament's major complaints against King Charles
WRIT OF HABEOUS CORPUS An order requiring that a prisoner be taken to court to decide if he or she is being imprisoned lawfully
SATIRE A literary work in which corruption, stupidity, foolishness, or abuses are help up to ridicule and contempt
PILLORY A device consisting of a wooden board with holes for the head and arms in which offenders are exposed to public scorn
ABDICATE To give up or renounce
BILL OF RIGHTS Section 1 states that suspending law or making law without the consent of parliament is illegal
JOHN LOCKE ...was the son of a Puritan country lawyer who fought briefly for the Roundheads during the civi war. He became involved in politics during the Revolution and he wrote books about political philosophy
GLORIOUS REVOLUTION Occurred in 1688 - 1689 and which murdered James II and William III rose in power
TORIES They were Royalists or King's men who remained loyal to the British Empire or British Monarch
WHIGS A political party in the parliaments of England, Scotland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom and they fought against the Tories
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