Plant Physiology II


Flashcards on Plant Physiology II, created by J yadonknow on 29/04/2018.
J yadonknow
Flashcards by J yadonknow, updated more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Created by J yadonknow over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Ψ = Ψ s+ Ψ p+ Ψ g
Ψ g Gravitational potential Gravy causes water to move downward Difference btw. neighbouring cells is negligible Generally omitted when considering water transport at the cellular level
Solute motential always negative
Ψ p Effect of pressure on water potential positive = turgid cell negative = xylem Ψ p=Ompa (atmospheric pressure)
Ψ s= iCRT i= ionisation constant so NaCl =2, glucose = 1 C=conc. R=0.0831 T=temperature in K
Bar to mPa 2.4 bar= 0.24 mPa
Dissolved sugar into water Ψ p=0mPa [0.1] solute Ψ s=-0.244mPa Ψ = Ψ s+ Ψ p Ψ = -0.244+0 Ψcell=-0.244 mPa
Plasmolysed Turgid Flaccid Ψcell>Ψs Ψcell<Ψs Ψcell=Ψs
Soil-plant-air continuum H2O absorbed through roots H2O travels through plant H2O evaporates through leaves
Boundary layer in transpiration Layer of unstirred air next to leaf surface H2O(g) must diffuse through this Thickness of layer determined by wind speed and leaf size
What air conditions makes the leaf thicker? In still air layer is thicker
Cavitation When an embolism appears in H2O column negative pressure gets too great water column snaps air cavity formed Water flow stops
Overcoming this Vessels and tracheids are connected by pits so can bypass embolisms
Which system of vessels are more vulnerable to cavitation? Vessels Tradeoff btw. flow rate and risk of cavitations
Tracheary elements in gymnosperms Most only tracheids, not vessels
Cavitation repair Positive root pressure from guttation
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