RS - Jews - Year 7


Religious Studies Flashcards on RS - Jews - Year 7, created by Seth Bailey on 17/05/2018.
Seth Bailey
Flashcards by Seth Bailey, updated more than 1 year ago
Seth Bailey
Created by Seth Bailey almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is AWE? Feeling of respect and amazement
What is WONDER When you are curious about something
What is this? The Bimah This is a stand where the Torah scrolls are read from
What is this? Yad This is a pointer used to read the Torah scrolls with. It's a small hand on the end of a stick.
What is this? The Torah Scrolls This is a written record of the first five books of the Old Testament
What is this? A seven-branched candlestick
What is this? The Siddur This is a Jewish prayer book
What is the thing hanging down? The Ner Tamid The everlasting light, it hangs over the Ark
What is this? The Ark This is a special cupboard where the Torah Scrolls, which contain the text of the Hebrew bible, are kept
What is this? The Star of David
Name 9 things you'd find in a Synagogue The Menorah • The Star of David The Siddur •The Bimah The Commandments Prayers in Hebrew • The Torah Scrolls The Ner Tamid • The Holy Ark
What is this? A Tullit is a shawl
What is this hat called? A Kippah Worn as a sign of respect for God It is a reminder that God is above It is worn by jews with pride
What is Tefillin? Small leather box with long straps attached. Inside the boxes are passages from the scriptures.
What is Rosh Hashanah? How long is it celebrated for? The Jewish New Year Two days
What do Jews think about on Rosh Hashanah? What does Rosh Hashanah mean to Jews? Mistakes they have made in the last year. It is a fresh start.
At Rosh Hashanah, Jews eat apples dipped in honey, why? They believe it will make the next year sweet or good and full of good things.
On Rosh Hashanah, Jews go to the river. What do they do at the river? Say a prayer and throw bread crumbs or pieces of paper in the water. This means they get rid of their sins and have a fresh start
On Rosh Hashanah, Jews go to the synagogue to pray. What does the rabbi blow and how many times? The rabbi blows a shofar, Rams horn, 100 times
What is this? How many times will the rabbi blow it on Rosh Hashanah? Shofar, a rams horn 100 times
What food do Jews eat on Rosh Hashanah and why? Pomegranate They have lots of seeds this shows that the people want to do lots of good things in the next year
What food will be served on a Passover Seder plate? Horse radish An egg Shank bone Apples, nuts and honey Parsley Salt water
What is a Ketubah Ketubot? A Jewish prenuptial agreement. It's considered an integral part of a traditional Jewish marriage outlining rules for the groom. It is never enforced.
Jewish marriage ceremonies are performed under a canopy called what? What does it signify? Chuppah The home the couple will make, it has no walls to show the family and friends are always welcome
What is the definition of a rabbit? A gregarious burrowing plant-eating mammal with long ears, long hind legs and a short tail.
What does Mazel Tov mean? Good luck
The groom breaks a glass under his foot at the wedding ceremony, why? To show that there is nothing big enough to hold all his love for his wife. And a temple destroyed 3000 years
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