Atomic Structure


Leaving Certificate Chemistry (Atomic Structure) Flashcards on Atomic Structure, created by eimearkelly3 on 23/06/2013.
Flashcards by eimearkelly3, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by eimearkelly3 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
John Dalton
William Crookes
JJ Thomson
Johnstone Stoney
Robert Millikan
Ernest Rutherford
Niels Bohr
James Chadwick
John Dalton A) Atoms are small, solid, indivisible spheres B) Atoms cannot be created or destroyed C) The atoms of an element are identical to eachother and have the same mass and chemical properties D)Acomound contains atons of two or more elements combined together in fixed proportions. E) Atoms of different elements vary in mass
The law of conservation of mass Matter is neither created nor destroyed in the course of a chemical reaction
William Crookes Maltese cross experiment -presence of acthode rays -travel in straight lines
JJ Thomson cathod rays have a negative charge ratio of charge to mass for electrons PLUM PUDDING MODEL
Johnstone Stoney Electron
Robert Millikan Size of charge of the electron OIL DROP EXPERIMENT
Ernest Rutherford GOLD FOIL some went stright through, some were deflected slightly, some bounced back atom is mainly empty space, particles that were deflected were coming close to the nuceus, particles bouncing back were hitting the nucleus Atom is mainly empty space with a tiny, dense positive nucleus Also disconvered protons by firing alpha particles at atoms which caused the protons to be knocked out
Niels Bohr Bohr model of the atom
James Chadwick Presence of neutrons, used alpha particles to knock out neutral particles from atoms of beryllium.
Atomic number (Z) The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of an element.
Mass number (A) The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom of an element
Isotopes Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
Relative atomic mass (Ar) The average mass of an atom of an element relative to one-twelfth the mass of an atom of carbon-12
Mass spectrometer Used to find the abundancies of isotopes The lower the mass the ore they will be deflected by a magnetic field. Principle: Positively charged ions are seperated on the basis of their relative masses when moving in a magnetic field. Process: Vaporisation Ionisation Acceleration Seperation Detection
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