

Palavras retirados da apostila Interchange Cambridge Level 1.
Jonathan Sonny
Flashcards by Jonathan Sonny, updated more than 1 year ago
Jonathan Sonny
Created by Jonathan Sonny over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Average mediano (a)
boring tédio bored now ! entediado agora !
plain franco - adj he's plain.
comum ordinary
LANCHE Salgados , petiscos. "uma parada rápida para repor as energias" snack
Organizador Usher
Caregiver Cuidador (Idosos)
to save money guardar dinheiro
Mesada Allowance They don't give me an allowance anymore
I can type well. Posso digitar bem.
Jealous Ciúmento
to Fun Funny Divertir Divertido - engraçado
Happy Feliz
Exciting Excitante
L Amoroso
Misterioso OSO = OUS - adj Mysterious
Amigável Friendly -ly = -vel
Depressivo Sad
Boring Tédio
Pure puro
Verdadeiro Thruthful
cada each
rubber borracha
silk seda
leather couro
boots socks shirt/t-shirt erring jacket tie botas meias camisa/camiseta brincos jaqueta gravata
copper iron steel cobre ferro aço
através through
confiar to trust He trusted on me.
nearby nas proximidades
purchase He purchased those leather boots, was a bargain Comprar
Fingertips He was at my fingertips and I let him to escape!! sorry.
paperback I'd like to buy those paperback novel, It's a best-seller.
that's cheap Isso é barato
Vontade Fazer algo com vontade (gana) Willing To do something willing.
Paralisar to stand I stood yesterday in front of that lion, It was terrifying
fio desencapado bare wires can get short-circuits
corrente (joias - cordão de Pescoço) necklace
high-top shoes botina (tipo all star cano alto)
wool cap toca toca para frio
heavy metal heavy metal
cachorrinho (filhotinho) puppy
afterward depois do evento/acontecido/ do programa
bueiro manhole
part-time job trabalho de meio período/estágio
Eu casei I got engaged
Não se atrase be on time
Stay out late Ficar até tarde
em vez de Jogaremos cartas em vez disso. instead We'll play cards instead.
loud.ly = adj.adverbial loud = adj.adn ou predicativo He spoke very loudly. Tom laughed out loud.
Irritar/Chatear To annoy
stop to be nuisance! Para de ser um aborrecido
stay out late ficar até tarde na rua
annoyed irritado
nuisance incomodo
pick me up pegue me
get along se dar bem.
right away imediatamente
to know what someone's mean I know what you mean Eu sei como é isso
pay off quitar
As soon as possible assim que possível.
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