PART III: Doctrine Article 4


Part III: Doctrine Flashcards on PART III: Doctrine Article 4, created by ablackwood on 29/06/2013.
Flashcards by ablackwood, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ablackwood over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The entire Adamic race died in _____ and ____. trespasses; sins
The Adamic race became corrupt in all human _____. faculties
Repentance from sin is a benefit of _____. divine grace
Repentance affects man in his _____. mind, emotions, and will
The sinner must be convinced of his _____ before God. guilt, corruption, and offensiveness
The renewal of the _____, is shown by the sinner’s turning from his sins. will
Sin is the product of the human _____. will
Human beings are corrupt in _____ because there is no fear of God before their eyes. religious experience
Paul describes the _____ of humanity in Romans 3:9-18 and states that we are all under sin. sinfulness
According to Romans 2:4, the _____ of _____ leads human beings to repentance. goodness; God
Acts 11:18 states that God has granted _____ to the Gentiles. repentance
According to 2 Timothy 2:25, we are to pray that God will give humanity _____. repentance
According to Jeremiah 13:23, human are unable in themselves to _____ from _____. cease; sin
In addition to the law of God, humans must learn and hear _____. gospel
The gospel renews the _____ of human beings, enabling them to repent. will
Romans 1:16, 17 declares that the gospel is the power of God to _____. salvation
According to 2 Corinthians 7:10, _____ works repentance. godly sorrow
Second Corinthians 7:11 describes the emotional upheaval of _____. repentance
According to Romans 6:16, fallen humankind is totally _____ to sin. enslaved
In order for them to repent, the will of the sinners must be renewed by the _____. Holy Spirit
According to Romans 6:17-19, repentance is a _____ of life. reversal
This fruit involves the _____ of the past, _____ of wrongs, and _____ of sins. forsaking; restitution; confession
The necessity of repentance is borne out by _____ and _____. reason; Scripture
Repentance was the uncompromising call of _____ and _____ in their announcement of the kingdom of God (Matthew 3:2; 4:17). John; Jesus
Peter’s sermon was an answer tot he inquiry of the people in _____. Acts 2:38
According to 2 Peter 3:9, repentance is to be preached in the light of Christ’s _____. return
The work of the Holy Spirit is necessary in repentance because we were spiritually _____. dead
The work of the Holy Spirit is necessary in order to produce _____. godly sorrow
It is the work of the Holy Spirit to reprove the world of _____, of _____, and of _____. sin; righteousness; judgment
Jesus said that when the Holy Spirit has come He will _____ the world of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment. reprove
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