

naughtuh naim
Flashcards by naughtuh naim, updated more than 1 year ago
naughtuh naim
Created by naughtuh naim over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
TITLE PAGE My names is... presenting you a project proposal for the expansion of the RTA public transit system in Moreno Valley.
4 those not familiar with area or what looking at... Now personally, never lived city Except 1 real issue...
Now, if there's nothing... More importantly, if there's nothing important...
Big empty hole is actually...
Local gov. actually identifies it as significant... That's a quarter of World Logistics Center... Needless to say, not something that...
Briefly, something of an illustration Notice all those microchip/microcontroller looking...
Those are all warehouses, distribution centers, fulfillment centers, etc. Thousands of jobs Another Lowes, Ross, Home Depot...
Yet, the only route... Warehouses further back access/egress times 15
Faster to walk no matter... No one does though... What's more, northwest residential area...
At first, seemed absurd that nothing... Not exactly RTA's fault...
Perhaps the main culprit as to why... Roads would definitely be instrumental in...
Not the end of the issue though, as local gov.... Important to note for later, indian road extension...
Which finally gets me to...
an additional route, which I will refer to as...
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