PART III: Doctrine Article 14


Part III: Doctrine Flashcards on PART III: Doctrine Article 14, created by ablackwood on 29/06/2013.
Flashcards by ablackwood, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ablackwood over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The bodily resurrection of believers is assured by the bodily resurrection of _____ and by the _____ of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ; earnest
In resurrection, the blessedness of everlasting life is experienced in _____ and _____. body; spirit
The bodily resurrection of the believers occurs after the _____. Millennium
The punishment of the unbelievers is a judgment of both the _____ and the _____. body; spirit
In spiritual application, the Holy Spirit is God’s personal _____ to raise the believer from the dead. pledge
According to Romans 8:11, it is the _____ that raised Christ form the dead. Spirit
The resurrection is the final step in the _____ of the body. redemption
Christ’s resurrection conquered death in order to _____ redemption. provide
According to 1 Corinthians 15:22-26, Christ’s resurrection and the believers’ consequent resurrection are the conquest of the last enemy, which is _____. death
The event of the resurrection and translation of believers occurs at the trump of God according to the promise of God in _____ and _____. 1 Corinthians 15:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17
According to 1 Corinthians 15:54, this corruptible must put on _____ and this mortal must put on _____; in this experience, _____ is swallowed up in victory. incorruption; immorality; death
The resurrected body is called a spiritual body and is distinct from a so-called _____. spirit-body
According to 1 Corinthians 15:48, 49, the natural body is _____ and the spiritual body is _____. earthly; heavenly
In 1 John 3:2, we are promised that we shall be made like Christ when _____. He appears in glory
In Phillipians 3:20, 21, we are promised that our _____ body will be fashioned like unto Christ’s _____ body. vile; glorious
In John 5:28, 29, Jesus described the resurrection of the unrighteous as the resurrection of _____. damnation
Daniel 12:2 describes the resurrection of the unrighteous as a resurrection to _____ and everlasting _____. shame; contempt
The resurrection of the unrighteous is associated with the judgment of the Great _____ at which every man is judged according to his _____. White Throne; works
The resurrection of unbelievers stands in absolute _____ with the resurrection of believers. contrast
The resurrection of the unrighteous is referred to as the second _____. death
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