

The Elder Futhark Runes and meanings
Brianna Stone
Flashcards by Brianna Stone, updated more than 1 year ago
Brianna Stone
Created by Brianna Stone over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Fehu (fa-hew) Letter: F Meaning: Cattle Tree: Elder Summary: wealth, possessions, nourishment, abundance, divination, prophesy
Uruz (oo-rooz) Letter: U Meaning: Aurochs (now extinct bison) Tree: birch Summary: strength, changing form, tenacity, transformation, health
Thurisaz (thur-ri-saz) Letter: th Meaning: Thorn Tree: Hawthorn Summary: Gateway, awakening, new possibilities, breaking down boundaries
Ansuz (an-sooz) Letter: A Meaning: Mouth Tree: Ash Summary: signals, inspiration, speech, voice of the goddess. true vision, synthesis
Raido (ri-tho) Letter: R Meaning: Cartwheel Tree: Oak Summary: journey, dance of life, rationality, ordered growth, maze, larger perspective
Kano (ka-no) Letter: K Meaning: torch Tree: Pine Summary: opening, power to create your own reality, vital fire, creativity, transformation
Gebo (gay-bo) Letter: G Meaning: Gift Tree: elm Summary: partnership, gifts of the goddess, blessing, magickal exchange, power to create from within one's self
Wunjo (woon-jo) Letter: W Meaning: joy Tree: Ash Summary: joy of life, harmony, fellowship, prosperity, secret knowledge
Hagalaz (ha-ga-laz) Letter: H Meaning: Hail Tree: Yew Summary: disruption, wild power in untamed nature, strength, protection
Nauthiz (now-thiz) Letter: N Meaning: necessity Tree: Mountain Ash Summary: constraint, need resistance, self-initiated change
Isa (e-sa) Letter: I Meaning: ice Tree: alder Summary: standstill, time to turn inward, wait for what is to come, self-control, unity
Jera Letter: J Meaning: Harvest Tree: oak Summary: reward, good harvest, fruitful season, time of peace and happiness, plenty, proper timing
Eihwaz (a-waz) Letter: El Meaning: yew tree Tree: yew Summary: defense, release, letting go, protection, enlightenment, endurance, intitiation
Perth (perth) Letter: P Meaning: dice cup Tree: aspen Summary: initiation, determining your path, knowledge of future patterns, evolutionary change
Algiz (al-gez) Letter: Z Meaning: elk Tree: yew Summary: protection, awakening, higher life, connection with the gods, continuity, nurturing of life force
Sowelu (so-way-loo) Letter: S Meaning: Sun Tree: juniper Summary: wholeness, self-knowledge, guidance, hope, goals achieved, power of self-renewal
Teiwaz (ta-waz) Letter: T Meaning: God Tyr Tree: oak Summary: warrior, divine spinner, justice, self-sacrifice, analysis, rationality
Berkana (ber-ka-na) Letter: B Meaning: Birch Goddess Tree: Birch Summary: new beginnings, renewal, growth, liberation, life changes
Ehwaz (eh-waz) Letter: E Meaning: horse Tree: Ash Summary: loyalty, movement, teamwork, trust, harmony, fertility of ideas
Mannaz (man-naz) Letter: M Meaning: mankind Tree: holly Summary: the self, female wisdom, knowledge, awareness, intelligence, memory
Laguz (la-gooz) Letter: L MeaningL water Tree: willow Summary: flow, life, sea of unconscious, quickening energy, healing powers of renewal
Inguz (ing-gooz) Letter: ng Meaning: god Ing Tree: apple Summary: fertility, internal growth, gestation, sacred power of female sexuality
Dagaz (tha-gaz) Letter: D Meaning: day Tree: spruce Summary: awakening, breakthrough, prosperity, fulfillness, hope, power of self change
Othila (o-the-la) Letter: O Meaning: property Tree: hawthorn Summary: aid in spiritual and physical journeys, womb of the goddess, increase and abundance
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