Mix and Flow of Matter Definitions


Mix and Flow of Matter Definitions
Aiden Carter
Flashcards by Aiden Carter, updated more than 1 year ago
Aiden Carter
Created by Aiden Carter over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Fluids no fixed shape, can flow
Pure Substance one type of matter, nothing mixed in
Mixture can be separated, different substances mixed
Mechanical Mixture heterogeneous, see the different substances ex. soil
Solution Mixture homogeneous, looks like one substance ex. Coca-Cola
Solute dissolves into solvent
Solvent substance that does the dissolving
Viscosity how quickly a fluid flows
Density the amount of matter in a given volume
Buoyancy tendency of an object to float
Pressure amount of force applied to a given area
Technology devices that meet peoples needs
Pump device that moves a fluid into something
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