Do you know right from wrong?


True or false
chloe richland
Flashcards by chloe richland, updated more than 1 year ago
chloe richland
Created by chloe richland over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
You don't have to wear your student I.D in college if you aren't feeling well FALSE You must wear your I.D whenever you are in college
It's ok to damage other people's property if someone has made you angry FALSE It is a criminal offence to damage someone else's property
Being late for college is ok if you have slept in and missed the bus FALSE It is YOUR responsibility to make sure you are up on time
Under no circumstance can you swear at children in your setting TRUE You must model positive behaviour at all times
If a child's parent is late to pick them up you should give them a lift home FALSE Only authorised adults can take children off the premises. If a parent has not showed up, local authority children's services will be informed (dropping off and picking up policy)
You are only allowed to smack a child if they swear FALSE Under no circumstance can you harm a child. This is physical abuse and is a criminal offence
You must always inform your placement/college if you're going to be late or if you're absent TRUE You are required to notify your supervisor/tutor if you will not be attending
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