Abdus Salam's Technical GRE study


Very helpful for GRE Essential study
Abdus Salam Avi
Flashcards by Abdus Salam Avi, updated more than 1 year ago
Abdus Salam Avi
Created by Abdus Salam Avi about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Md. Abdus Salam A very good boy
Sumon Luccha
Bou Something Special
Involved Complicated, difficult to comprehend
Restive Restless
Prodigal Wastefully extravagant (?????)
Disinterested Neutral, Unbiased
Undermine To weaken something
Betray Unintentionally reveal known something
Innocuous Harmless, produce no ill effect
Parochial Narrowly restricted in scope
Demur To object / show reluctance
Laconic Describes with few words
Extant Still in existance
Impertinent Disrespectful
Profligate Wasting
Veracious Truthful
Venerate Deeply respect
Maintain To assert
Amorphous Shapeless
Prevaricate Speaking in evasive way
Auspicious Favourable
Amalgum Mixture
Frugal Spending wisely (?????????)
Qualify To limit / Making less severe
Wanting Lackings
Gregarious Likely to be socialized easily
Censure Express strong disapproval
Chastise Reprimand harshly (????????)
Mercurial Who change mind unpredictably
Amenable Easily persuaded
Galvanize Motivate to action
Acrimony Bitterness and ill will
Equivocal Confusing (?????????)
Parsimonious Extremely frugal
Abberation Deviation
Magoosh An app
Artful With artistic skill
Vindicate Blame
Ambigious Open to more than one interpretation
Upbraid To reapproach / to scold
Venality Condition of susception of bribes or corruption
Iconoclast Who attacks cherished beliefs (???????)
Anomalous Not normal
Ingenuous Innocent
Intimate Suggest sublty (cleverly)
Ambivalent Conflicting emotions
Calumny False statement to injure someone's reputation
Harangue A long pompous speech
Belie Give false representation / Misrepresent
Eneverate To sap energy
Egregious Shockingly bad
Commensurate Be in proportion / proper degree of amount
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