Psychosoical Dysfunction Exam 1 Questions


Psychosocial Dysfunction 1 (Exams) Flashcards on Psychosoical Dysfunction Exam 1 Questions, created by Robin Decker on 30/09/2018.
Robin Decker
Flashcards by Robin Decker, updated more than 1 year ago
Robin Decker
Created by Robin Decker about 6 years ago

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Question Answer
Who are some developmental theorists? Erik Erikson Robert Havinghurst Jean Piaget
Who used sensory integration treatment with persons with schizophrenia? Lorna Jean King
Who developed the lifestyle performance model? Gail Fidler (It was an evaluation method)
According to Freud, what is the ego? Ego = Reality Principle Helps with conflicts between the Id and Superego
All behavior that is learned is the premise of what theory? Behavioral Theory (Pavlov and Skinner)
Who had 8 stages of Psychosocial function? Erik Erikson 1. Oral sensory - Trust vs Mistrust 2. Anal muscular - Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt 3. Genital locomotor - Initiative vs Guilt 4. Latency - Industry vs Inferiority 5. Adolescence - Identity vs Role confusion 6. Young Adulthood - Intimacy vs. Isolation 7. Middle Adulthood - Generativity vs Stagnation 8. Late Adulthood/Maturity - Integrity vs Despair
Why do the Id and Superego conflict? Id = pleasure principle (wants what it wants now. Superego = conscience (guilt/shame) They are opposites
Which theorist used the terms: schemas, assimilation, and accommodation? Jean Piaget (Developmental Theorist)
Who developed the air crib? B.F. Skinner (Behavioral Theorist)
What are rationalization, denial, projection, and sublimation examples of? Freud's Defense Mechanisms
Who developed sensory integration treatment? A. Jean Ayres Definition: ability to take in, sort out & connect information from the world around us in an organized manner.
Who was the father of psychoanalytic theory? Sigmund Freud
What is low registration? Tuned out to the world with a high sensory threshold.
What does the transtheoretical model refer to? Model of Behavioral Change
What is empathy? Putting yourself in someone else's shoes, attempting to feel what they feel.
Whose stages include sensorimotor & formal operations? Jean Piaget (Developmental Theorist)
Who did the Bobo doll experiment? Albert Bandura (Theory of Social Modeling - Imitation)
What were some early treatments for the mentally ill? Exercise, Arts & Crafts, Fresh Air
What are the 2 principles of sensory integration treatment? 1. Focused on the Outcome 2. Activity is pleasurable
Who researched classical conditioning? Ivan Pavlov Basis: Physical responses; Pavlov's dogs
Who developed the cognitive disabilities frame of reference? Claudia Allen Focused on Effect of Impaired Cognition on Task Performance
Name some defense mechanisms. Repression, Denial, Projection, Rationalization, Conversion, Regression, Undoing, Idealization, Identification, Sublimation, Substitution, Displacement, Compensation
What was moral treatment? People entitled to consideration & compassion; Philippe Pinel insisted on clean living, more/better food, cut down on meds, and kindness
Where was most of the early work in Occupational Therapy done? Baltimore, MD
Who developed client centered therapy? Carl Rogers A single "force of life" called Actualizing Tendency; Client as center of effective change.
Critical Development in 1950's? Beginning of COTA's First tranquilizers developed
ECT is done without anesthesia. True or False False
Who developed the hierarchy of needs? Abraham Maslow Deficit = basic human needs Being = Self-actualization
Who used the terms: shaping, chaining, & reinforcement? B.F. Skinner Operant Conditioning - Action Consequence
Who discussed the id, Ego, and Superego? Sigmund Freud
What is the underlying assumption of cognitive behavioral therapy? All behavior is based on what we THINK/BELIEVE.
What is the difference between sensory sensitivity & sensory avoidance? Both have low thresholds. Sensory sensitivity = passive response Sensory avoiding = active response
Who talked about developmental lag? Erik Erikson - if step missed, will be behind developmentally.
Early OT used activities to allow for expressing what was in the unconscious. True or False? True
Who used the term "doing"? Gail Fidler Purposeful activity and "DOING" is the core of occupational therapy.
Name the senses according to Jean Ayres. Sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, Proprioception, Kinesthesia, & Vestibular
Who are the theorists we discussed related to Humanism? Carl Rogers & Abraham Maslow
What is shaping? Reward behaviors until terminal behavior is seen.
Who developed the 4 quadrants for sensory processing? ***Dunn & Brown 1. Low registration (High threshold/Passive) 2. Sensory seeking (High threshold/Active) 3. Sensory sensitivity (Low threshold/Passive) 4. Sensory avoiding (Low threshold/Active)
What are the ABC's associated with RET or REBT? A. Activating agent B. Belief C. Consequences D. Disputation E. Corrective Emotional Experience (Developed by Albert Ellis)
Who discussed object relations? Freud, Fidler, and Mosey
How many stages of development did Freud discuss? 5 Stages 1. Oral 2. Anal 3. Phallic 4. Latent 5. Genital
Who talked about the collective unconscious? Carl Jung
Sensory integration treatment primarily treats what senses? Kinesthesia, Vestibular, & Proprioception
What are Havinghurst's 5 functions of work? 1. Income 2. Expend Time/Energy 3. Identification/Status 4. Association 5. Source of meaningful life experience
Who talked about drives? Sigmund Freud 1. Sex/Life 2. Aggression/Death
Which is physiological? Operant or Classical conditioning? Classical = physical responses
What level of group is generally not seen in the hospital? Mostly seen in community groups? Mature groups
What did Philippe Pinel and William Tuke have in common? Moral treatment
Is Ego Integrity vs Despair an early or late stage of development? Late Adulthood Per Erikson's Developmental Theory
Critical development during the 1950's was? Tranquilizers (Also COTAs)
Who talked about "recapitulation of ontogenesis"? Anne Cronin Mosey Definition: Individual progresses through developmental stages and if stage missed, may have to make up skills later.
Environmental compensation is a term associated with? Claudia Allen Definition: environment adapted to meet needs of a person doing tasks in it.
What did Pavlov use for experiments? Dogs, food, & a bell
Which theorist talked about distorted thinking? Aaron Beck Cognitive Behavioral Theorist Distorted thinking = errors in reasoning; jumping to conclusions; "should" statements; disqualification of the positives in life.
What is chaining? Teaching one step at a time (forward/backward). B.F. Skinner (Operant Conditioning) = Action/Consequence 1. Reinforcement 2. Terminal behavior 3. Shaping 4. Chaining 5. Schedule of reinforcement 6. Extinction
According to Freud, what is the Id? Pleasure Principle "Wants what it wants, NOW"!
Llorens talked about types of groups. True or False? False Developmental Theorist ***Not Groups
What theory uses terms pre-contemplation, action stage & maintenance stage? Transtheoretical Model 1. Precontemplation 2. contemplation 3. Preparation 4. Action 5. Maintenance
Llorens talked about development incorporating developmental theories. True or False? True
What was the model developed by Fidler? Lifestyle Performance Profile "Doing", Purposeful, planned activity, task oriented groups
What are some of the premise of cognitive disabilities frame of reference? Per Claudia Allen, Cognition is inferred from Task Behavior. 6 levels 1-4 = difficulty living unassisted 5-6 = "normal", but different socio-economic backgrounds
Who are some of the cognitive behavioral theorists? Beck, Ellis, and Bandura
ECT is still used today. True or False? True
Who used terms non-directive and open invitation to talk? Carl Rogers (Humanist) Client Centered Therapy
Who developed REBT? Albert Ellis Cognitive Behavioral Theory
Who developed Operant Conditioning? B. F. Skinner Operant - Action/Consequence * rat box * air crib
Who identified functions of work? Robert Havinghurst (Developmental Theory)
Erikson believed in none of Freud's ideas. True or False? False Also psychoanalytic (object relations) More society & culture oriented
Name some components of the Recovery Model. Hope, person-driven, many pathways, holistic, peer support, relational, culture, addresses trauma, strengths/responsibilities, respect
Who talked about physical/intellectual & social/personal tasks? Robert Havinghurst
What is the main concept of developmental theory? Child growth developed in distinct stages.
What are some of the adaptive skills according to Mosey? A. Sensory integration B. Cognitive C. Dyadic interaction D. Group interaction E. Self-identity F. Sexual identity
Who use the terminology initiative vs guilt? Erik Erikson Psychoanalytic/Object Relations
Which theorist felt people learn better through imitation than trial and error? Albert Bandura Social Model Theory Learn via imitation.
In which level of group according to Mosey would the leader have to take the biggest role? Parallel Individual has minimal interaction with others except the Group Leader.
Is psychiatric rehabilitation based on a particular theory? True or False? False *****Eclectic & Atheoretical Combines physical rehab, client-centered therapy, behavioral psych & psychosocial rehab
According to Freud, what is the super-ego? Represents conscience; Shame/Guilt
What is sensation seeking? High Threshold Seeks out more stimuli/sensation. Ex: Sky diving or bungy jumping
What physician was one of the founds of OT? Adolph Meyer William Rush Dunton
What stages include anal, oral, & genital? Freud 5 stages
What is sensory integration? Ability to take in, sort out, and connect information from the world around us in an organized manner for ongoing use.
What are Mosey's level of groups? Parallel Project Egocentric/Cooperative Cooperative Mature
What group requires the least amount of interaction with others? Parallel (except group leader)
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