Atomic Theorists and parts of the atom


6th grade Chemistry (Chemistry GP2) Flashcards on Atomic Theorists and parts of the atom, created by Nneamaka Onyia on 06/10/2018.
Nneamaka Onyia
Flashcards by Nneamaka Onyia, updated more than 1 year ago
Nneamaka Onyia
Created by Nneamaka Onyia almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Democritus around 440BC Greek philosopher Thoughts: proposed that if you cut a silver coin you would left with something uncuttable. Called this particle an atom meaning indivisible in Greek[atomos] Largely ignored because the majority believed Aristotle[continuously divisible]
John Dalton 1776-1844 British schoolteacher Proposed first modern atomic theory based on experimentation
Dalton's Atomic Theory 1.All mater is made of atoms 2.There are many types of atoms [elements] each type of atom has a unique mass and properties 3.Different atoms may combine to form compounds in fixed proportions 4.Atoms remain unchanged in a reaction, only their connections change 5. Atoms are indivisible and indestructible
JJ Thomson 1897 Discovered an error in Dalton's theory found smaller particles inside an atom performed the cathode-ray tube experiment
JJ Thomoson Discovery called his discovery "negative corpuscles" and came up with several observation: 1.Corpuscles are in every type of atom 2.All corpuscles are identical Corpuscles=electrons
Thomson's Plum Pudding Model changed understanding of the atom atom is a diffused positive charge with dense points of negative charge spread throughout
Ernest Rutherford 1909 student of Thomson's discovered the nucleus and another subatomic particle performed the "gold foil experiment"
Rutherford's Nuclear Model of the Atom Rutherford discovered the proton and proposed a new model, with a dense positive core[nucleus] surrounded by electrons in the new model the atom is MOSTLY EMPTY SPACE
Niels Bohr 1913 worked with Rutherford suggested that electrons are located in electron shells outside the nucleus based on how much energy they have[ more energy further from the nucleus ] electrons orbit the nucleus
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