

Flashcards on Strategy, created by Amy Isgar on 29/10/2014.
Amy Isgar
Flashcards by Amy Isgar, updated more than 1 year ago
Amy Isgar
Created by Amy Isgar almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is strategy? A comprehensive plan that sets direction and guides the allocation of resources to achieve long term objectives.
What is strategic management? The process of formulating and implementing strategies. -The essence of SM is looking ahead, understanding the environment and organisation, and effectively positioning the organisation for competitive advantage in changing times.
Strategic management goals? Should be super profitability. This creates value for investors in the form of above- average returns.
What is competitive advantage? It allows an organisation to deal with market and environmental forces better than its competitors.
When does competitive advantage arise? When an organisation acquires or develops an attribute or combination of attributes that allow it to outperform its competitors. EG. Access to natural resources.
What is sustainable competitive advantage? It exists through realizing cost and quality, knowledge and speed, creating stronghold and protecting financial resources. It is the hallmark of successful organisations.
What is the central strategy of sustainable competitive advantage? Technological and design leadership.
What is the strategic management process? The process of formulating and implementing strategies to advance an organisations mission and objectives and secure a sustained competitive advantage.
What are the two SM responsibilities? Strategy implementation, the process of creating strategy and also strategy implementation, the process of allocating resources and putting strategies into action.
What are the 5 SM process tasks? 1.Identify organisational mission and objectives. 2. Assess current performance in relation to mission and objectives. 3. Create strategic plans to accomplish purpose and objectives 4.Implement the strategic plans 5.Evaluate results.
What are the levels of strategy? Corporate, business and functional.
What is corporate strategy? Sets long term direction for the total enterprise
What does corporate strategy do? - Describes size of scope of operations. -Sets direction and guides resource allocation for enterprise. -May identify different areas of business in which company intends to complete
What is the business strategy? The strategy for a single business unit or product line. It identifies how a division or strategic business unit will compete in its product or service domain.
What is the term strategic business unit? To describe a single business or a component that operates with a separate mission within the larger enterprise.
What are some business strategy decision examples? Choices about produce/service mix, the location of facilities and new tech.
What is a Functional strategy? It guides the use of organisation resources to implement business strategy. This level of strategy focus on activities within a specific functional area of operations. Eg. Marketing, HR, research and development.
What is concentration? Growth within the same business area
What is diversification? Growth by acquisition of, or investment in, new and different business areas.
What is related diversification? Growth by acquiring new businesses or entering business areas that are related to what the organisation already does.
What is unrelated diversification? Growth by acquiring businesses or entering business areas that are different from what the organisation already does.
What are other forms of diversification? Vertical integration, where a business seeks added value through acquiring suppliers ( backward) or distributes (forward)
What is the retrenchment strategy? Involves reducing the scale of current operations. - most extreme case is liquidation.
What term has the definition 'Changes the scale and/or mix of operations to gain efficiency and improve performance" Restructuring
What is one way restructuring can be accomplished? Downsizing - decreases the size of operations with the intention of becoming more streamlined.
What is restructuring by divestiture? Involves selling off parts of the organisation to - refocus on core competencies - Cuts costs - Improve operating efficiency.
What are the two E-Business strategies? B2B - involves the use of IT and the internet to vertically link organisations with members of their supply chain. B2C- Uses IT and internet to link organisations with their customers via the internet
What is Porters 5 forces analysis? - Supplier - New entrants -Customers -substitute products -Industry competiton
What are the 4 porters generic strategies? - Low cost ( Broad market segment and low price) -Focused low cost ( Narrow and low price source of competitive advantage) -Differentiation (Broad and uniqueness) -Focused differentiation (Narrow and uniqueness)
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