Brady and tachy dysrhythmias


Paramedics (CSB335) Flashcards on Brady and tachy dysrhythmias, created by Amelia Tuffley on 10/11/2018.
Amelia Tuffley
Flashcards by Amelia Tuffley, updated more than 1 year ago
Amelia Tuffley
Created by Amelia Tuffley over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Vaughan William's Antiarrhythmics Class 1 - Na+ channel blockers Class 2 - beta blockers Class 3 - K+ efflux slowing agents Class 4 - Ca2+ blockers Class 5 - non-specific, adenosine (decreases refractory), digoxin (decreases ATP)
External pacing - Bradycardia - NCT, haemodynamically unstable - Contraindication for asystole, PEA, overdrive pacing of a ventricular dysrhythmia - Complications: pain, discomfort, anxiety, failure to capture
Broad complex tachycardias - VT or SVT with aberrant conduction - If in doubt, treat as VT Irregular? Most likely AF with a BBB Do not rule out AF with WPW
Synchronised cardioversion Method of restoring normal rhythm in patients presenting with a rapid ventricular rate associated with compromised cardiac output (symptomatic) - Pulsatile VT, SVT, AF, Aflutter
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