Lord of the Flies Quotes


Quotations from the novel 'Lord of the Flies' by Sir William Golding.
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Jacob Mullins
Copied by Jacob Mullins about 6 years ago

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Question Answer
'Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of a true, wise friend called Piggy.' Golding explicitly links Ralph's despair to one of the main themes; "darkness of man's heart" - the presence of savage instincts lurks within every human being. End of chapter 12, 'Cry of the Hunters'.
'the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist.' As Piggy is hit by the boulder pushed by Roger, the conch is destroyed. This symbolises the complete breakdown of civilization and order on the island. Chapter 11, 'Castle Rock'.
'"The rules!" shouted Ralph, "you're breaking the rules!" "Who cares?"' Jack disobeys Ralph's orders to be quiet when Piggy has the conch, and despite Ralph telling him the importance of the rules, he still disobeys. This signals the beginning of savagery setting in, and society breaking down. Chapter 5, 'Beast From Water'.
'"Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in."' Chanted by the hunters after they return from killing a pig. In doing so, the fire was let out and a ship passed by without seeing them. Shows the savagery of the boys, and that they are not bothered about being rescued. Chapter 4, 'Painted Faces and Long Hair'.
'"Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! You, knew, didn't you? I'm part of you?"' Said by the Lord of the Flies (the pig's head on a stick) to Simon. Golding uses it to reveal what the Beast really represents; it is the savagery and evil within everyone. End of chapter 8, 'Gift for the Darkness'.
'Roger stooped, picked up a stone, aimed, and threw it at Henry - threw it to miss.' This shows that even on the island, where the boys have complete freedom to do whatever they like, Roger is still 'conditioned by a civilization' of adults, rules and society, and will not really try to harm Henry. Chapter 4, 'Painted Faces and Long Hair'.
'The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.' The first hint that society and civilization is breaking down, and the boys are becoming more savage. Chapter 5, 'Beast from Water'.
'"Which is better - to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill?"' Piggy shouts this to the savages just before he is murdered by Roger. Even to the very end, Piggy was the voice of reason and rationality. Chapter 11, 'Castle Rock'.
'"What I mean is... maybe it's [the beast] only us."' Simon suggests this during an assembly, which frightens the others and makes them think. Golding hints at one of the main themes/human issues - the savagery of man. Chapter 5, 'Beast from Water'.
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